A Todo App Made With React And Redux


Redux-todo is a todo web app where users can type in their todo and also set a reminder. The todos are not saved/fetched on/from a server, so when a user refresh their browser, the todos will disappear.

Users can:

  1. Type in their todo
  2. Set a reminder
  3. Delete todo

Built with

  • React JS
  • Redux / Redux Toolkit
  • CSS Module

How to use this app locally?


  • Have Node installed on your machine.

Setting up instructions

In case you use Git

  1. Open terminal

  2. Run the following commands:


Abdulsamad Ayoade


To contribute to this project: Fork this repository & clone locally. Create an upstream remote and sync your local copy. Create a new branch. Push your code to your origin repository. Create a new Pull Request .

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