A Typing Speed Game Built With React

React speed typing game
Test your typing speed with this small react project
how it works
- Click start button
- The keyborad focus with automatically be in the input field
- Input field will be enabled for typing
- The time will start counting from deafult time which is 30 secs
- At the end of the time you will see how many words you typed in as many seconds
- input field will be disabled
- The function below will return the exact word count without spaces
function calculateWordCount(text) { const wordsArr = text.trim().split(" ") return wordsArr.filter(word => word !== "").length }
- The keyborad focus with automatically be in the input field
React feautures covered
- useEffect
- useState
- useRef
- custom hooks
Functional components
Quick start:
$ yarn # npm install
$ yarn start # npm start
Contact me kdondidier@gmail.com
Happy Coding!