A visual editor for structured JSON data available as a simple drop-in React component


Schema-aware editor for structured JSON objects (drop-in React component)

object-editor-react is a visual editor for structured JSON data, available as a simple drop-in React component.

  • ? Drop-in, structured editing of deeply nested JSON objects
  • ⚛️ Schema aware: create nested objects and array elements in real time
  • ? Bulk operations for working with larger objects

How it works:

  1. Create a Schema -- it can be as deeply nested as you need.
import { SchemaTypes } from 'object-editor-react';

const schema = {
    foo: SchemaTypes.string({ required: true }),
    bar: {
        baz: SchemaTypes.arrayOf({
            nested: SchemaTypes.string(),
  1. Drop in an ObjectEditor or ArrayEditor and provide modification handlers.
import { ArrayEditor, ObjectEditor } from 'object-editor-react';

const YourComponent = props => {
    return (
            object={[{ foo: 'bar' }, { foo: 'baz' }]}
            onUpdateElement={(el, index) => ...}
            onAddElement={(newElement) => ...}
            onAddElement={(removedElement, index) => ...}

A table-based editor is generated based on the Schema. For properties
with types like string and number, you can just edit the values directly
using an <input /> element.

For more complex properties (object, array, or other complex types), an
"Edit" button in the cell creates a nested Editor (type chosen
automatically) for editing the nested object.


npm i object-editor-react


To use object-editor-react, just create a schema and provide object modification handlers.
It's similar to using a controlled <input /> element.


There are many different SchemaTypes that can be combined and nested however you need.
They are similar to React PropTypes.

A valid schema is either:

  • An object whose leaves are SchemaTypes
  • A SchemaType


import { SchemaTypes } from 'object-editor-react';

const schema = {
    foo: SchemaTypes.string({ required: true }),
    bar: {
        baz: SchemaTypes.any(),
// Some valid instances:
// { foo: 'bar' }
// { foo: 'bar', bar: { baz: [] } }

const schema = SchemaTypes.arrayOf(SchemaTypes.string())();
// Some valid instances:
// [ 'one', 'two', 'three' ],
// [ ]

const schema = {
    foo: SchemaTypes.arrayOf({
        bar: SchemaTypes.array()
    })({ required: true }),
// Some valid instances:
// { foo: [ { bar: [] } ] }
// { foo: [] }



The value can be any non-undefined value.
The value must have a type other than undefined.


The value must have type string.


The value must have type boolean.


The value must have type function.


The value must have type number.


The value must be a Date instance with a non-NaN time.
Specifically, Object.toString() must return "[object Date]", and date.getTime() must be non-NaN.


The value must be an Array instance.
Specifically, Array.isArray() must return true.


The value must have type object.


The value must be an array whose elements all conform to a specific SchemaType.

Specifically, the value must pass the SchemaTypes.array validation test, and each
element of the array must pass the validation test of the SchemaType passed
as the argument to arrayOf.

SchemaType options

Each SchemaType is a function. Every SchemaType except for arrayOf
takes a single, optional configuration object as its parameter.

These are the possible configuration options.

Key Note Required? Default
required is the key corresponding to this SchemaType required? false false

In the case of arrayOf, the arrayOf function takes a schema as its
only parameters and returns a function that accepts a configuration object.


const schema = SchemaTypes.arrayOf({
    foo: SchemaTypes.string()
})({ required: false });


There are two top-level Editor components: ObjectEditor and ArrayEditor.

Both Editor types are "controlled" components: any changes to the objects are passed to a change handler,
but the Editors themselves don't have internal state to track changes.


An Editor for editing a single JSON object.

import { ObjectEditor } from 'object-editor-react';


Prop Type Note Required? Default
type Schema The Schema to use when generating the Editor and validating objects.
Must be a valid Schema (an object whose keys are SchemaType:s, or a SchemaType)
object any the object to edit. must validate according to the Schema passed in the type prop. false
onUpdateElement function function onUpdateElement (updatedElement: Object ) -> void.
Handler called when the object is updated
className string any additional class names for the editor table wrapper false
icon function a function that returns an icon to use for each row in the table false no icon used


An Editor for editing an array of objects, where each element in the array conforms to a Schema.

import { ArrayEditor } from 'object-editor-react';


Prop Type Note Required? Default
type Schema The Schema to use when generating the Editor and validating objects.
Each element in the array must conform to this Schema.
Must be a valid Schema (an object whose keys are SchemaType:s, or a SchemaType)
object any The array to edit.
Each element must validate according to the Schema passed in the type prop.
onUpdateElement function function onUpdateElement (updatedElement: Object, updatedIndex: Number) -> void
Handler called when an element in the array is updated
The updated element and the index are passed
onAddElement function function onAddElement (newElement: Object) -> boolean
Handler called when a new element is added to the array
If this function returns true, the "add object" row is cleared
onRemoveElements function function onRemoveElements (removedIndices: [Number]) -> void
Handler called when an element in the array is removed
The indices of removed elements are passed
className string any additional class names for the editor table wrapper false
icon function a function that returns an icon to use for each row in the table false no icon used


See examples/example.js for a stateful implementation with a deeply nested Schema.
