A Web admin UI to manage data from a Kinto server

Kinto Web Administration Console

kinto-admin wants to be the pgAdmin for Kinto. You can also use it to build administration interfaces for Kinto-based systems.


NodeJS v4+ and npm 2.14+ should be installed and available on your machine.

Various pre-commit hooks are available to help prevent you from
pushing sub-optimal code; to use these, pip install --user pre-commit and pre-commit install. (If you have a
.git/hooks/pre-commit.legacy, you can remove it.)


The easiest way to get started is to install create-react-app first:

$ npm install -g create-react-app
$ create-react-app test-kinto-admin && cd test-kinto-admin
$ npm install kinto-admin --save-dev

Then, import and render the main KintoAdmin component in the generated src/index.js file:

 import App from './App';
 import registerServiceWorker from './registerServiceWorker';

-ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));
+import KintoAdmin from "kinto-admin";
+ReactDOM.render(<KintoAdmin />, document.getElementById('root'));

To run a local development server:

$ npm start

To build the admin as a collection of static assets, ready to be hosted on a static webserver:

$ npm run build

This will generate production-ready assets in the build folder.

Admin settings

The KintoAdmin component accepts a settings prop, where you can define the following options:

  • maxPerPage: The max number of results per page in lists (default: 200).
  • singleServer: The server URL to be used (default: null). This removes the ability to connect to multiple servers.
  • sidebarMaxListedCollections: The maximum number of bucket collections entries to list in the sidebar.


import KintoAdmin from "kinto-admin";

  <KintoAdmin settings={{maxPerPage: 42}}/>,


Note: The plugin API is under heavy development and will remain undocumented until it stabilizes.

To enable admin plugins, import and pass them as a plugins prop to the KintoAdmin component:

import KintoAdmin from "kinto-admin";
import * as signoffPlugin from "kinto-admin/lib/plugins/signoff";

  <KintoAdmin plugins={[signoffPlugin]}/>,

Build customization

Building for relative paths

Quoting the (create-react-app documentation):

By default, Create React App produces a build assuming your app is hosted at the server root.

To override this, specify the homepage in your package.json, for example:

  "homepage": "http://mywebsite.com/relativepath",

This will let Create React App correctly infer the root path to use in the generated HTML file.

Hacking on kinto-admin

Clone repository:

$ git clone https://github.com/Kinto/kinto-admin.git

Install packages:

$ cd kinto-admin && npm install

After installation of packages, run the development server.

Development server

The development server should only be used when working on the
kinto-admin codebase itself. If you're evaluating kinto-admin, or
building a system that relies on kinto-admin to administer, you should
install kinto-admin using npm and use it as above.

To run in development mode:

$ npm start

The application is served at localhost:3000, and any
React component update will trigger a hot reload.

Flow types

To check that the flow types are correct, you first need to install
flow-typed, and all the type files
for the local dependencies installed by npm:

$ npm install --global flow-typed
$ flow-typed install

You can then check for type issues with:

$ npm run flow-check


To run tests:

$ npm run test-all

Note: The browser test suite is not included in this command as it takes a
long time and may result in intermittent failures on Travis
(see #146).

Browser tests

The browser test suite uses NightmareJS and
Electron. To run browser tests:

$ npm run dist
$ npm run test-browser

To show the browser interactions while running them, set the NIGHTMARE_SHOW env var:

$ NIGHTMARE_SHOW=1 npm run test-browser

There's also a TDD mode:

$ npm run tdd-browser


Browser support

Let's be honest, we're mainly testing kinto-admin on recent versions of Firefox
and Chrome, so we can't really guarantee proper compatibility with IE, Safari,
Opera and others. We're accepting
pull requests though.

How to display a nested field value using the collection displayFields property?

Use the dot notation.

For example, if you have the following record:

  "data": {
    "attachment": {
      "filename": "font.ttf"

You can use attachment.filename.

We tried our best to make it work with properties having dots in their name.

For instance:

  "data": {
    "target": {
      "proof.hash": "abcd",
      "merkle.tree": {
         "file.name": "foobar"

If you use target.merkle.tree.file.name it will render the string
foobar and target.proof.hash will render abcd.
