A web application that enables users to view real-time market prices for Bitcoin and track

Mister Bitcoin: Your Simple and Intuitive Angular-based Web App for Managing Bitcoin Transactions

Mister Bitcoin is a web application that enables users to view real-time market prices for Bitcoin and track and manage their Bitcoin transactions. Built using Angular.js, the application boasts a responsive design and CRUDL capabilities for contacts and user messages. Additionally, the app features third-party libraries and tools for presenting data using charts, making it easy for users to analyze Bitcoin market trends.



Mister Bitcoin is a Angular.js-based web application that provides users with a simple and intuitive way to view market prices for Bitcoin and manage their transactions. The application features a well-designed and responsive user interface that is both easy to navigate and efficient to use. With CRUDL capabilities for contacts and user messages, users can easily manage their contacts and track their transactions without having to switch between different applications.

To help users stay up to date with the latest Bitcoin market trends, Mister Bitcoin integrates third-party libraries for presenting data using charts. This enables users to quickly analyze market trends and make informed decisions about their transactions.

To get started with the app, users can clone the project or download the files, install the dependencies, and run the app in development mode. The app can be accessed through http://localhost:4200 and features a home page for viewing market prices, a contact list for managing contacts, an edit contact page for updating contact details, and a statistics page for viewing Bitcoin market trends.


Mister Bitcoin features the following:

  • HTTP requests for market prices, Bitcoin value, and more
  • Charts and graphs to display Bitcoin market trends
  • CRUDL of contacts, along with user messages for different actions
  • Responsive and well-designed user interface

Please feel free to take a look of the different components of the website – Showcase

Getting started

To get started with Mister Bitcoin, clone the project or download the files:

git clone https://github.com/Darkfall48/Ex-Mister-Bitcoin-Angular.git

Then install the dependencies in the local node_modules folder:

npm install

Finally, run the app in the development mode by opening the terminal and entering the following command:

ng serve

This will run the app in development mode. Now, open http://localhost:4200 to view it in the browser.


Home Page

This page presents an overview of the current Bitcoin market prices, including the current Bitcoin value, percentage changes, and more. It features a responsive design and displays data in a chart and table format, providing an intuitive and easy-to-understand interface for users.

Contact List

This page allows users to view and manage their contact list, which includes the names and details of individuals or organizations that are associated with their Bitcoin transactions. Users can add, delete, and edit contacts as needed, providing a streamlined and efficient way to keep track of their Bitcoin transactions.

Edit Contact

This page allows users to edit their contact information, including the name, email, and notes associated with each contact. It also features a responsive design and provides an intuitive interface for users to update their contact details as needed.


This page presents a range of statistics related to Bitcoin, including the historical price changes, market capitalization, and more. It displays data in a chart format, providing an easy-to-understand and interactive interface for users to analyze Bitcoin market trends.

Technologies Used

The technologies used in building Mister Bitcoin include:

  • Angular: a TypeScript-based open-source web application framework used for building user interfaces and single-page applications.
  • Angular chart.js: an Angular wrapper for Chart.js, a JavaScript library for creating beautiful charts and graphs.
  • Angular Router: a built-in Angular module that provides a routing system for single-page applications.
  • RxJS: a library for reactive programming using Observables, used extensively in Angular applications.
  • Sass: a preprocessor scripting language used to create CSS stylesheets.
  • Angular CLI: a command-line interface for creating, configuring, and deploying Angular projects.
  • GitHub Pages: a static site hosting service that allows you to host your website directly from your GitHub repository.

Live Demo

The live demo for this project can be found at https://darkfall48.github.io/Ex-Mister-Bitcoin-Angular/. The demo allows you to test the various features of the application in a web browser without the need to download or install any files locally.


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