A WYSIWYG in-line web editor written in React


Edtr.io is a WYSIWYG in-line web editor written in React.
Content created with edtr.io looks just like the final page -
select any editable element on the page, edit it in-place or drag ’n’ drop it around.
Its plugin architecture makes edtr.io lean AND adaptable to any use case at the same time.
Edtr.io is of course Open Source.

Local Developement

git clone https://github.com/edtr-io/edtr-io.git
cd edtr-io
yarn start

That should be all!
(When yarn fails try using the current node LTS)

Committed to Simplicity and Openness

Edtr.io is backed by Open Education heavyweights: serlo.org and the HPI Schul-Cloud, and supported by Splish.

It has been born from the needs of the learning platform serlo.org and builds on the original work of Serlo’s co-founder and CTO Aeneas Rekkas. Serlo.org is inspired by Wikipedia and already provides thousands of articles, videos and exercises for one million German students every month. Serlo.org is growing steadily. In 2018, the platform went international.

In 2019, Serlo partnered with the German Schul-Cloud, started by the Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI) in cooperation with MINT-EC, and funded by the Federal Ministry for Education and Research. The HPI Schul-Cloud aims to provide low-threshold access to digital educational content to schools nationwide.

Splish was founded in 2016 by the very people working on the editor, to be able to provide commercial support.

Great content editing is essential for the user experience of a community-driven site - edtr.io’s main purpose is to make editing on the web easy for students and teachers.

We love education. We need this editor. We're in for the long haul.
