Add a context menu to your react app with ease


A declarative context menu for React !

⚠️ The v3 introduces a lot of breaking changes. Please consider reading the migration guide.


$ yarn add react-contexify
$ npm install --save react-contexify


The gist

import { ContextMenu, Item, Separator, Submenu, ContextMenuProvider } from 'react-contexify';
import 'react-contexify/dist/ReactContexify.min.css';

const onClick = ({ event, ref, data, dataFromProvider }) => console.log('Hello');
// create your menu first
const MyAwesomeMenu = () => (
    <ContextMenu id='menu_id'>
       <Item onClick={onClick}>Lorem</Item>
       <Item onClick={onClick}>Ipsum</Item>
       <Separator />
       <Item disabled>Dolor</Item>
       <Separator />
       <Submenu label="Foobar">
        <Item onClick={onClick}>Foo</Item>
        <Item onClick={onClick}>Bar</Item>

const App = () => (
        <h1>Welcome to My App</h1>
        <ContextMenuProvider id="menu_id">
            <div>Some Content ... </div>
        <MyAwesomeMenu />

Wrap component with the Component of your choice

The ContextMenuProvider expose a component prop to let you do render a custom component or any valid html tag.

Html tag

If you just want to replace the default html tag, just pass the desired tag to component:

const ComponentWithMenu = (props) => (
  <ContextMenuProvider id="menu_id" component="li">

Custom Component

If you want to use a custom component, it works like react-router. Don't forget to render the chilren and
to grab the event to trigger the context menu:

const CustomComponent = ({ children,  }) => (
 <aside {}>

const ComponentWithMenu = (props) => (
  <ContextMenuProvider id="menu_id" component={CustomComponent}>

Using a render props

You can also use a render props:

const ComponentWithMenu = (props) => (
  <ContextMenuProvider id="menu_id" render={({ children,  }) => ( 
      <aside {}>

Disable an Item

You can disable an Item with a boolean or a callback. When a callback is used, a boolean must be returned. The callback has access to the same parameter as the onClick callback.

const isDisabled = ({ event, ref, data, dataFromProvider }) => {
    return true;

<ContextMenu id='menu_id'>
    <Item disabled>Foo</Item>
    <Item disabled={isDisabled}>Bar</Item>

Disable a submenu

Disable a Submenu is simple as disabling an Item. The disabled callback is slightly different, there is no data param.

<ContextMenu id='menu_id'>
    <Submenu label="Submenu" disabled>

Change the Submenu arrow

<ContextMenu id='menu_id'>
    <Submenu label="Submenu" arrow="?">
    <Separator />
    <Submenu label="Submenu" arrow={<i className="rocket">?</i>}>

The onClick callback

The onClick callback of the Item component gives you access to an object with 4 properties:


The event property refers to the native event which triggered the menu. It can be used to access the mouse coordinate or any other event prop.

const onClick = ({ event, ref, data, dataFromProvider }) => {
    // Accessing the mouse coordinate
    console.log(event.clientX, event.clientY);


If you wrap a single react component ref will be the mounted instance of the wrapped component.

If you wrap more than one component ref will be an array containing a ref of every component.

ref will be an instance of the react component only if the component is declared as a class

For more details about ref please read this

  • With a single component
const Wrapped = () => (
    <ContextMenuProvider id="id">
        <Avatar id="foobar" />

const onClick = ({ event, ref, data, dataFromProvider }) => {
   // Retrieve the Avatar id

  • With more than one component
const Wrapped = () => (
    <ContextMenuProvider id="id">
        <Avatar id="foobar" />
        <Avatar id="plop" />

const onClick = ({ event, ref, data, dataFromProvider }) => {
   // Print foobar

   // Print plop

  • With an html node, the ref contains the html node ?
const Wrapped = () => (
    <ContextMenuProvider id="id">
        <div id="foobar" data-xxx="plop">bar</div>

const onClick = ({ event, ref, data, dataFromProvider }) => {
   // Retrieve the div id

   // Access the data attribue

With more than one html node wrapped you get an array as well.


const onClick = ({ event, ref, data, dataFromProvider }) => {
   // Print Ada

const YourMenu = () => (
        <Item data={name: 'Ada'} onClick={onClick}>Hello</Item>


The data prop passed to the ContextMenuProvider is accessible for every Item as dataFromProvider.

const Wrapped = () => (
    <ContextMenuProvider id="id" data={name: 'Ada'}>
        <div id="foobar" data-xxx="plop">bar</div>

const onClick = ({ event, ref, data, dataFromProvider }) => {
   // Print Ada Again 

Why use destructuring assignment?

  • As a developer, pick only what you want: ({ ref }) => {}
  • As a maintainer, easier to extend the library: ({ event, ref, data, dataFromProvider, theFithParameter }) => {}
  • 'destructuring'.substring(-1, 8) ?



Props Default Required Description
id: string | number - Id used to map your component to a context menu
component: node 'div' The component used to wrap the child component
render: function - Render props
event: string 'onContextMenu' Same as React Event (onClick, onContextMenu ...). Event used to trigger the context menu
data: any - Data are passed to the Item onClick callback.
storeRef: boolean true Store ref of the wrapped component.
className: string - Additional className
style: object - Additional style
<ContextMenuProvider id="menu_id" data={foo: 'bar'}>
    <MyComponent />


Props Required Possible Value Description
id: string | number - Used to identify the corresponding menu
style: object - An optional style to apply
className: string - An optional css class to apply
theme: string light | dark Theme is appended to react-contexify__theme--${given theme}
animation: string fade | flip | pop | zoom Animation is appended to .react-contexify__will-enter--${given animation}
// You can set built-in theme and animation using the provided helpers as follow
import { ContextMenu, Item, theme, animation } from 'react-contexify';

<ContextMenu id="foo" theme={theme.dark} animation={animation.pop}>
    <Item disabled>Bar</Item>
    {/* and so on  */}
Props Default Required Description
label: node - Submenu label. It can be a string or any node element like <div>hello</div>
disabled: bool | ({ event, ref, dataFromProvider }) => bool false Disable the item. If a function, it must return a boolean.
arrow: node - Define a custom arrow


Props Default Required Description
disabled: bool | ({ event, ref, data, dataFromProvider }) => bool false Disable the item. If a function, it must return a boolean.
onClick: ({ event, ref, data, dataFromProvider }) => void - Callback when the item is clicked
data: any - Additional data that will be passed to the callback


Don't expect any props. It's just a separator xD.

<Separator />


Props Required Description
className: string Additional className
style: object Additional style

The icon font renders a i tag. It's just a helper

//example with Font Awesome 
    <IconFont className="fa fa-trash" />Delete
//example with material icons
    <IconFont className="material-icons">remove_circle</IconFont>Delete


  • [ ] Allow keyboard navigation
  • [ ] Switch or not to styled component?
  • [ ] Accessibility
  • [ ] RTL support

Migration from v2 to v3

A huge part of the code has been reviewed. The api has been simplified.

  • There is no more leftIcon and rightIcon on the Item component. Do <Item><IconFont className="fa fa-delete" /> delete</Item> instead
  • The menuProvider HOC has been removed. You can create yours easely
  • The onClick callback use destructuring assignment over explicit parameter
  • renderTag as been replaced by component and render props. Same api as react-router
