Add multiplayer presence (live cursors/avatars) to your react application using yjs and hooks


Easy way to add presence (live cursors/avatars) to your multiplayer application using Yjs.


yarn add y-presence
# or
npm i y-presence


Codesandbox demo/examples

For all the demos, you can open two tabs in your browser to see the presence update

Using PresenceProvider

Wrap the components you’d like to provide access to y-presence hooks inside PresenceProvider in your React application.

// src/app.js

import * as Y from 'yjs'
import { PresenceProvider } from 'y-presence'

// Create the shared doc (from Yjs)
const doc = new Y.Doc()

// Create a provider
const provider = ...

// Get the provider's awareness API
const awareness = provider.awareness

export default function App() {
  return (
    <PresenceProvider awareness={awareness}>
      <SimpleRoom />

Using y-presence react hooks

y-presence comes with two hooks: useSelf() and useOthers() that are used to get information about self and other users connected in the room.

// src/app.js

import { useOthers, PresenceProvider } from 'y-presence'


export default function App() {
  return (
    <PresenceProvider awareness={awareness}>
      <SimpleRoom />

function SimpleRoom() {
  const others = useOthers()

  return <>There are currently {others.length} other people in the room.</>

y-presence react hooks

  • useSelf():
    The useSelf hook accepts an initial presence object and returns an object containing information
    about the current user (represented as self) and a function to update the user’s presence. The update function doesn’t require the full presence object to update it. You may only send the
    presence properties that you’d like changed in the presence.

    The self object contains the user client/connection id and a field to store a presence object.
    It looks like the following:

    User<T> = {
      id: number, // The client id associated to the user
      presence?: T // The user presence


    import { useSelf } from 'y-presence'
    // Define the presence object (ignore if not typescript)
    type CursorPresence = {
      x: number
      y: number
    export default function Room() {
      const { self, updatePresence } = useSelf<CursorPresence>({
        x: 0,
        y: 0,
      // updatePresence doesn't require the full presence object
      updatePresence({ x: 1 })
      updatePresence({ y: 2 })
      return (
          Client id: {}
          Presence: {self.presence}
  • useOthers():
    The useOthers hook returns an array of users that are currently connected in the room
    (excluding yourself). Each user object in the array contains the client/connection id
    and the presence information associated to the user. The user object looks like the

    User<T> = {
      id: number, // The client id associated to the user
      presence?: T // The user presence


    import { useOthers } from "y-presence";
     // Define the presence object (ignore if not typescript)
    type CursorPresence = {
      x: number;
      y: number;
    export default function Room() {
      const others = useOthers<CursorPresence>();
      return (
          Number of other users: {others.length}
{ id, presence }) => {
            if (!presence) return null;
            return <Cursor key={id} x={presence.x} y={presence.y} />


Huge thanks to @steveruizok‘s perfect-cursor‘s demo that inspired me to write this library and thanks to Liveblocks implementation of their API for inspiring the code structure.


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