An application designed to help you keep track of your daily life


User Story

AS A user I WANT to organize my upcoming schedule and meals SO THAT I can manage my time and life accordingly

Elevator Pitch

Noted is an application which is designed to help us keep track of some of the many things we all worry about in our daily lives. From what to prepare for dinner, to what kind of weather to dress for, as well as trying to remember what time your upcoming appointment is scheduled for. With the app’s large catalog of recipes you will always have new ideas of meals at your disposal which you can find and save in the app for later. Not sure if you’re going to need to wear a jacket or just a T-shirt today? Just input your area code and find out the current weather conditions. Last but not least you can write and save notes with whatever message you’d like. We all lead busy lives with jam-packed schedules and the Noted app is the perfect tool to help organize your thoughts and ease your mind.


Noted is an application designed to help you keep track of your daily life. It comes equipped with two APIs which help it do so. These APIs are Open Weather for the current weather conditions in a specified area and Spoonacular which has a catalogue of recipes accessed through searching keywords. In addition you can write yourself reminders or notes to be referenced.

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Github Link

View The NotedV2 Project Deployment Here!(Coming soon!)

View The Original Noted Project Deployment Here!

Motivation for Development

Other than fulfilling the assignment requirements and displaying our coding capabilities the motivation to develop the Noted app is to create an application to help organize your daily life. Using the APIs abilities we can make activities that everyone does regularly easier.

Technologies Used

  • Spoonacular API: an API which has a catalog of recipes that can be accessed by searching keywords
  • Open Weather API: an API that tells you the weather conditions of a designated area searched for by the user
  • Bootstrap and React Bootstrap: A free CSS framework library
  • Materialize: CSS Library
  • Express
  • Apollo
  • Mongo DB
  • Heroku
  • React Suite
  • Moment

Hopes for Future Development

  • Add a Nav Link to the Weather Section on the Calendar Page.
  • Make more Responsive.
  • Make it to where you can view the Recipe on the website without having to navigate to a new site.
  • Be able to update/click forgot password
  • Make event calendar shareable
  • Add a Dark Mode Option


Hi, Thanks for checking out our Project: notedv2! If you have any questions about our project, please E-mail us HERE!


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