An easily internationalizable and mobile-friendly datepicker library for the web

An easily internationalizable, accessible, mobile-friendly datepicker library for the web, build with styled-components.
Live Playground
To run that demo on your own computer:
- Clone this repository
yarn install && yarn bootstrap
yarn storybook
- Visit
Getting Started
yarn add @datepicker-react/styled styled-components
Include component
import {DateRangeInput, DateSingleInput, Datepicker} from '@datepicker-react/styled'
The DateRangeInput
is a fully controlled component that allows users to select a date range. You
can control the selected dates using the startDate
, endDate
, and onDatesChange
props as shown
below. Similarly, you can control which input is focused as well as calendar visibility (the
calendar is only visible if focusedInput
is defined) with the focusedInput
and onFocusChange
props as shown below.
Here is the minimum REQUIRED setup you need to get the DateRangeInput
import React, {useReducer} from 'react'
import {DateRangeInput} from '@datepicker-react/styled'
const initialState = {
startDate: null,
endDate: null,
focusedInput: null,
function reducer(state, action) {
switch (action.type) {
case 'focusChange':
return {...state, focusedInput: action.payload}
case 'dateChange':
return action.payload
throw new Error()
function App() {
const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(reducer, initialState)
return (
onDatesChange={data => dispatch({type: 'dateChange', payload: data})}
onFocusChange={focusedInput => dispatch({type: 'focusChange', payload: focusedInput})}
startDate={state.startDate} // Date or null
endDate={state.endDate} // Date or null
focusedInput={state.focusedInput} // START_DATE, END_DATE or null
The following is a list of other OPTIONAL props you may provide to the DateRangeInput
customize appearance and behavior to your heart's desire.
displayFormat?: string | FormatFunction // Default: 'MM/DD/YYYY'
phrases?: DateRangeInputPhrases
showStartDateCalendarIcon?: boolean // Default: true
showEndDateCalendarIcon?: boolean // Default: true
onClose?(): void
vertical?: boolean // Default: false
showResetDates?: boolean // Default: true
showSelectedDates?: boolean // Default: true
showClose?: boolean // Default: true
rtl?: boolean // Default: false
placement?: 'top' | 'bottom' // Default: bottom
minBookingDate?: Date
maxBookingDate?: Date
numberOfMonths?: number // Default: 2
minBookingDays?: number // Default: 1
exactMinBookingDays?: boolean // Default: false
firstDayOfWeek?: FirstDayOfWeek // Default: 1
initialVisibleMonth?(numberOfMonths: number): MonthType[]
isDateBlocked?(date: Date): boolean
dayLabelFormat?(date: Date): string
weekdayLabelFormat?(date: Date): string
monthLabelFormat?(date: Date): string
onDayRender?(date: Date): React.ReactNode
The Datepicker
is a fully controlled component that allows users to select a date range. You can
control the selected dates using the startDate
, endDate
, and onDatesChange
props as shown
below. Similarly, you can control which input is focused with the focusedInput
Here is the minimum REQUIRED setup you need to get the Datepicker
import React, {useState} from 'react'
import {Datepicker, START_DATE} from '@datepicker-react/styled'
function App() {
const [state, setState] = useState({
startDate: null,
endDate: null,
focusedInput: START_DATE,
function handleDatesChange(data: OnDatesChangeProps) {
if (!data.focusedInput) {
setState({, focusedInput: START_DATE})
} else {
return (
startDate={state.startDate} // Date or null
endDate={state.endDate} // Date or null
focusedInput={state.focusedInput} // START_DATE, END_DATE or null
The following is a list of other OPTIONAL props you may provide to the Datepicker
to customize
appearance and behavior to your heart's desire.
phrases?: DatepickerPhrases
displayFormat?: string | FormatFunction // Default: 'MM/DD/YYYY'
onClose?(): void
showResetDates?: boolean // Default: true
showSelectedDates?: boolean // Default: true
showClose?: boolean // Default: true
vertical?: boolean // Default: false
rtl?: boolean // Default: false
minBookingDate?: Date
maxBookingDate?: Date
numberOfMonths?: number // Default: 2
minBookingDays?: number // Default: 1
exactMinBookingDays?: boolean // Default: false
firstDayOfWeek?: FirstDayOfWeek // Default: 0
initialVisibleMonth?(numberOfMonths: number): MonthType[]
isDateBlocked?(date: Date): boolean
dayLabelFormat?(date: Date): string
weekdayLabelFormat?(date: Date): string
monthLabelFormat?(date: Date): string
onDayRender?(date: Date): React.ReactNode
The DateSingleInput
is a fully controlled component that allows users to select a date. You can
control the selected date using the date
and onDateChange
props as shown below. Similarly, you
can control calendar visibility (the calendar is only visible if showDatepicker
is true
) with
the showDatepicker
and onFocusChange
props as shown below.
Here is the minimum REQUIRED setup you need to get the DateSingleInput
import React, {useReducer} from 'react'
import {DateSingleInput} from '@datepicker-react/styled'
const initialState = {
date: null,
showDatepicker: false,
function reducer(state, action) {
switch (action.type) {
case 'focusChange':
return {...state, showDatepicker: action.payload}
case 'dateChange':
return action.payload
throw new Error()
function App() {
const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(reducer, initialState)
return (
onDateChange={data => dispatch({type: 'dateChange', payload: data})}
onFocusChange={focusedInput => dispatch({type: 'focusChange', payload: focusedInput})}
date={} // Date or null
showDatepicker={state.showDatepicker} // Boolean
The following is a list of other OPTIONAL props you may provide to the DateSingleInput
customize appearance and behavior to your heart's desire.
minBookingDate?: Date
maxBookingDate?: Date
numberOfMonths?: number
firstDayOfWeek?: FirstDayOfWeek
displayFormat?: string | FormatFunction
phrases?: DateSingleInputPhrases
showCalendarIcon?: boolean
vertical?: boolean
showResetDate?: boolean
showClose?: boolean
rtl?: boolean
placement?: 'top' | 'bottom'
initialVisibleMonth?(numberOfMonths: number): MonthType[]
isDateBlocked?(date: Date): boolean
onClose?(): void
dayLabelFormat?(date: Date): string
weekdayLabelFormat?(date: Date): string
monthLabelFormat?(date: Date): string
onDayRender?(date: Date): React.ReactNode
supports theming with Styled components ThemeProvider
Styled System
theme-based style.
breakpoints: ['32em', '48em', '64em'],
reactDatepicker: {
daySize: [36, 40],
fontFamily: 'system-ui, -apple-system',
colors: {
accessibility: '#D80249',
selectedDay: '#f7518b',
selectedDayHover: '#F75D95',
primaryColor: '#d8366f',