An extreme light-weight react transition animation hook which is simpler and easier to use than react-transition-group


An extreme light-weight(0.4kb) react transition animation hook which is simpler and easier to use than react-transition-group


Install with yarn

yarn add transition-hook

Or install with npm

npm install transition-hook --save



This hook transform a boolean state into transition stage('from' | 'enter' | 'leave'), and unmount the component after timeout.

const [onOff, setOnOff] = useState(true)
const {stage, shouldMount} = useTransition(onOff, 300) // (state, timeout)

return <div>
  <button onClick={()=>setOnOff(!onOff)}>toggle</button>
  {shouldMount && (
    <p style={{
      transition: '.3s',
      opacity: stage === 'enter' ? 1 : 0
      Hey guys, I'm fading


If you prefer FaCC pattern usage, there it is!

const [onOff, setOnOff] = useState(true)

return <div>
  <button onClick={()=>setOnOff(!onOff)}>toggle</button>
  <Transition state={onOff} timeout={300}>
    {(stage, shouldMount)=>shouldMount &&(
      <p style={{
        transition: '.3s',
        opacity: stage === 'enter' ? 1 : 0
        Hey guys, I'm fading

API Reference

useTransition(state, timeout)

  const {stage, shouldMount} = useTransition(onOff, 300)
Parameters Type Description
state boolean Required. Your boolean state, which controls animation in and out
timeout number Required. How long before the animation ends and unmounts
Returns Type Description
stage Stage: from | enter | leave Use three different stage to perform your animation
shouldMount boolean Whether the component should be mounted


  <Transition state={onOff} timeout={300}>
    {(stage, shouldMount) => shouldMount && <div style={...}>hello</div>}
Props Type Description
state boolean Required. Your boolean state, which controls animation in and out
timeout number Required. How long before the animation ends and unmounts
children (stage: Stage, shouldMount: boolean)=>React.ReactNode Required. FaCC pattern.
