An hexagonal architecture approach for a Remix Todo List Manager app

Todo List Manager

This project showcases an hexagonal architecture approach for front-end projects.


This is a Remix application, you may want to check out the Remix documentation.


Modern tooling blurs the front-end line. Front-end does not mean Client-side anymore. Frameworks like
Next.js or enable libraries like React to run in a browser-less environment
at request-time (and at build-time if you’re using Next.js‘s getStaticProps).

This enables new architectural patterns for front-end developers, which can now move some logic to
the server. This can improve security and make some things easier, for instance :

  • authentication using cookies ;
  • secrets can be safely stored and used on the server ;
  • data fetching can be made directly from the database (the API layer is often abstracted.
    See Next.js, ;

Seeing the blurred line between client-side and server-side, there is now an
opportunity to use an “unified hexagon“, leaving generic concerns (like data fetching) to your framework of choice.


This project is based on the following principles :

  • most of the work should be done on the server ;
  • specifically, any data preparation should happen on the server ;
  • the client responsibility is primarily using traditional Web features like forms and navigation ;


The project is organized as such :

  • app/application : where React components and Remix stuff lives ;
  • app/domain : where domain modeling happens for writing operations (domain interfaces, behaviors and ports) ;
  • app/query : where queries are modeled for reading operation (preparing data for our pages) ;
  • app/infrastructure : where the ports / queries implementation live (repositories / database queries) ;


The following limitations have been identified :

  • Since the data structure are sent over the network (client <> server communications), they must be simple
    objects used as JSON. For instance, complex objects like Date cannot be used as a
    response for reads or writes.

Useful scripts


From your terminal:

yarn dev

This starts your app in development mode, rebuilding assets on file changes.


First, build your app for production:

yarn build

Then run the app in production mode:

yarn start

Now you’ll need to pick a host to deploy it to.


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