An orbit camera for react-three-fiber


This is a Zustand-based orbit camera for react-three-fiber. It aims to provide a more React-like API than other cameras. Note that controls are not part of this library; try r3f-orbit-controls

A demo is available here.

If you just want a simple React component that takes origin and coords as props, try r3f-simple-orbit-camera.

Getting started

The <OrbitCamera \> component creates a camera in your scene, attached to internal Zustand state.

The camera state describes a target position relative to the world (origin) and (coords).

origin: [x, y, z], // world target

coords: [
  r, // Distance to origin
  theta, // Polar (up-down) angle
  phi // Azimuthal (left-right) angle


import { Canvas } from '@react-three/fiber'
import OrbitCamera, { actions } from 'r3f-orbit-camera'

const mouseMoveHandler = (e) => actions.updatePosition(
  ({ coords: [r, theta, phi], origin: [x, y, z] }) => {
    const coords = [
      r + e.movementY / 40,
      phi - e.movementX / 100
    const origin = [x, y, z]
    return { coords, origin }

const App = () => (
    style={{ backgroundColor: "black", height: "90vh" }}
    <OrbitCamera />
    <ambientLight intensity={1} />
    <directionalLight position={[50, 100, 70]} />
      <boxGeometry />
      <meshStandardMaterial color="red" />


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