Anchor based project to mint a NFT on solana


Anchor based project to mint a NFT on solana.

??? Sol Mint NFT ???

Anchor based project to mint a nft.

? Program

⚔️ Used technologies

Rust: Solana program development language.

Metaplex: Wonderful library for the NFT protocol.

Anchor: Solana development framework.

? Description

I have built Anchor based solana program to mint NFT and deployed to devnet.

Devnet Address:

? DApp

⚔️ Used technologies

@solana/web3.js: Node.js library to integrate the front end website into the solana program backend.

@project-serum/anchor: Anchor client node.js library to communicate with Anchor based solana program.

Antd: Excellent UI template library for react.js.

React.js: For our front end building.

ipfs: Decentralized storage service. We stores all images and metadata here.

? Description

This is react.js based decentralized front-end application to mint animal images. Now it has the following features.

Wallet connection: It supports major solana wallets such as Phantom, Solflare and Sollet.

Mint: Any user can mint his/her own animal’s NFT on solana(devnet) here.

Market(TODO): All animals’ NFTs will be listed here. And users can trade NFTs with SOL like Opensea or Magic Eden.


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