Appends a new DOM node to the end of the `document.body` and renders it's child React tree into it


Appends a new DOM node to the end of the document.body and renders it's
child React tree into it. Useful to break out of the DOM hierarchy to prevent
parent styles from clipping or disturbing content (e.g. popovers, dropdowns
and modals).


$ npm i @react-lit/portal
# or
$ yarn add @react-lit/portal


import * as React from 'react';
import { Portal } from "@react-lit/portal";

function Example() {
  return (
      <div>I'm inside a portal!</div>


(1) Install dependencies

$ npm i
# or
$ yarn

(2) Run initial validation

$ ./ validate

(3) Run tests in watch-mode to validate functionality.

$ ./Taskfile test -w

This project was set up by @jvdx/core
