Asynchronous dynamic data at scale for React

Asynchronous dynamic data at scale. Performance, data integrity, and typing for REST, proto, GraphQL, websockets and more.
Simple TypeScript definition
class ArticleResource extends Resource {
readonly id: string = '';
readonly title: string = '';
readonly body: string = '';
pk() {
static urlRoot = '/articles/';
One line data hookup
const article = useResource(ArticleResource.detail(), { id });
return (
const { fetch } = useController();
return (
onSubmit={data => fetch(ArticleResource.update(), { id }, data)}
And subscriptions
const price = useResource(PriceResource.detail(), { symbol });
useSubscription(PriceResource.detail(), { symbol });
return price.value;
...all typed ...and consistent
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- [x]
Strong Typescript types - [x] ? React Suspense support
- [x] ? React 18 Concurrent mode compatible
- [x] ? Declarative API
- [x] ? Composition over configuration
- [x] ? Normalized caching
- [x] ? Tiny bundle footprint
- [x] ? Automatic overfetching elimination
- [x] ✨ Optimistic updates
- [x] ? Flexible to fit any API design (one size fits all)
- [x] ? Debugging and inspection via browser extension
- [x] ? Tree-shakable (only use what you need)
- [x] ? Subscriptions
- [x] ♻️ Optional redux integration
- [x] ? Storybook mocking
- [x] ? React Native support
- [x] ? Declarative cache lifetime policy
Principals of Rest Hooks
- Strong inferred types
- Global referential equality guarantees
- Normalized store creates a single source of truth
- Strong invariants robust against race conditions
- Validation
- Stale While Revalidate configurable cache
- Only re-render
Composition over configuration
- Declarative data definitions
- Decoupled API definitions from usage
- Co-located data dependencies
- Centralized orchestration
- Extensible orchestration through Managers (middleware)
- Composable hooks
- subject pattern
- Suspense + concurrent mode async orchestration
Incremental Adoption
- Simple case is simple
- Scale as your app scales