bGreen Tailwind CSS and Reactjs Template Based

bGreen Template Reactjs

Get Started

  • Install NodeJS LTS version from NodeJs Official Page
  • Download the product on this page
  • Unzip the downloaded file to a folder in your computer
  • Open Terminal
  • Go to your file project (where you’ve unzipped the product)
  • (If you are on a linux based terminal) Simply run npm run install:clean
  • (If not) Run in terminal npm install
  • (If not) Run in terminal npm run build for build your project
  • (If not) Run in terminal npm run dev
  • Navigate to https://localhost:3000
  • Check more about Tailwind CSS


There some simple of sample pages that i created on this template.

Here are all the page from the project:

  • Dashboard
  • Halaman
    • Blank
    • 404 Not Found
  • Table dan Form
    • Table
    • Form
  • Otentikasi
    • Login
    • Register

Fully Responsive

This template provides Responsive Navigation and Mobile Friendly Feature based on Tailwind CSS and Javascript.



Demo: Demo with Netlify


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