Blockchain interface hooks library for React.js and Next.js
is a React.js
hook library for blockchain interface, it is a wrapper around web3Modal
library to provide a shared gloabl hook for sharing the connection status, addresses, providers and much more.
Use the package manager npm to install turbulent
npm install turbulent
# Importing the hooks
import { web3Modal, useContract } from 'turbulent';
# Extracting the features from the 'useWeb3Modal' hook
const { connect, connected, address, balance, chainId } = useWeb3Modal();
# Use 'connect' function
<button onClick={connect}> Connect </button>
# use 'useContract' hook to call methods from the contract
const Contract = useContract(contractAddress, contractABI);
const balance = await Contract.methods.balanceOf(address).call();
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.