Buzzer Full Stack Development Assessment uses React and NodeJS to mimic social media functions


This project is a coding challange provided by the company Buzzer. The purpose is to develop a social media platform to demonstrate my ability to use React and NodeJS. This program uses a mock data set that contains user’s posts. The program allows a user to navigate and filter the data using React and NodeJS.

The server is enabled for cors, or proxy in development is an option but not required.

For educational purposes only.


Check out the demo hosted at

Access the headless API at

Development Instructions

Run npm install to install the packages in the root directory.

Run cd website then npm install to install the packages in the website directory.

Run node api.js to run the server on port 4111.

Navigate to cd ./website to run the React website in development.

Run npm start to start the React website in development.

Server Instructions

Run pm2 start api.js --name buzzerapi --watch and pm2 save to save the configuration.

To run the website, move the website build to the server using rsync.

Then run pm2 start main.js --name buzzerreact --watch and pm2 save to save the configuration.


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