Carbon Data Visualization components built in React


The React version of carbon-addons-data-viz (currently the only version).

Getting Started


npm install -S carbon-addons-data-viz-react

Import the graph:

import { LineGraph } from 'carbon-addons-data-viz-react';

Import the styles:

@import 'carbon-addons-data-viz-react/sass/index';

Here is a link to a Code Sandbox example in which you can play around:

Current Components

Bar Graph

Bar Graph

Grouped Bar Graph

Line graph

Line graphs connect individual data values together to show the continuity from one value to the next, making it a great way to display the shape of values as they change over time.

Gauge graph

Gauge graphs show the part-to-whole relationship of one value compared to its total.

Half-gauge graph

Like theGauge graph, half-gauge graphs show the part-to-whole relationship of one value compared to its total.

Pie Chart

Pie charts show individual values that make up a whole data set so users can compare the values to each other and see how each value compares to the whole.

Graph Props

Bar Graph

name type example
data array [[[214], 0], [[369], 1]
height number 300
width number 800
id string 'graph'
containerId string 'graph-container'
margin object { top: 30, right: 20, bottom: 70, left: 65 }
labelOffsetX number 65
labelOffsetY number 55
axisOffset number 16
timeFormat string %I:%M:%S
xAxisLabel string X Axis
yAxisLabel string Y Axis
emptyText string There is currently no data available
onHover func () => {}
color array ['#00a68f', '#3b1a40', '#473793', '#3c6df0', '#56D2BB']

Line Graph

name type example
data array [[25, 1507563000000], [100, 1507563900000]
height number 300
width number 800
id string 'graph'
containerId string 'graph-container'
margin object { top: 30, right: 20, bottom: 70, left: 65 }
labelOffsetX number 65
labelOffsetY number 55
axisOffset number 16
timeFormat string %I:%M:%S
xAxisLabel string X Axis
yAxisLabel string Y Axis
emptyText string There is currently no data available
onHover func () => {}
onMouseOut func () => {}
isUTC bool false
color array ['#00a68f', '#3b1a40', '#473793', '#3c6df0', '#56D2BB']
drawLine bool true
animateAxes bool true

Gauge Graph

name type example
radius number 80
padding number 30
amount number 75
total number 100
size string full
gaugePercentages array [{ low: 0, high: 50, color: '#4B8400' },{ low: 50, high: 75, color: '#EFC100' },{ low: 75, high: 100, color: '#FF5050' }]
id string gauge
tooltipId string tooltip-container
tau number 2 * Math.PI
valueText string 75 out of 100GB
labelText string 75%

Pie Chart

name type example
data array [["Gryffindor", 21], ["Slytherin", 37], ["Ravenclaw", 84]]
radius number 96
formatFunction func (value) => value
id string pie-chart
color array ['#00a68f', '#3b1a40', '#473793', '#3c6df0', '#56D2BB']
