Chrome Extension to preview markup in

ChatGPT Markup Preview Extension (PoC)

Chrome Extension to preview markup in

This extension renders html preview by code block outputs.

  • code block html+preview => preview html directly
  • code block tsx+preview => renderToStaticMarkup as typescript react component
  • Tailwind loaded
  • Click 📎 to copy as an image (for image input)


Alt text

Alt text

How it works


Prompt Example

HTML + Tailwind

Generate a button element

- Describe it in html
- Use tailwind class for decoration
- Code block attributes should be ```html+preview
- Do not output anything but code

Output Example:

<div class="">Click Me</div>

HTML + CSS Animation

Generate Loader

- Write it in html
- Code block attributes should be ```html+preview
- Do not output anything but code

Example output

.loader {}
<div class="loader"></div>

React + Tailwind

Generate a button component.


- Use react+tsx to write the code. jsx: "react-jsx", so import is not required.
- Use tailwind for decoration. css import is not required.
- Code block attributes should be ```tsx+preview
- Do not output anything but code
- export previewProps that satisfy the type ``props

Example output

Example output: ```tsx+preview
type ButtonProps = { name: string }
export default function Button(props: Props) {
  return <></>
export const previewProps = {}


Generate form components.

FormProps = React.FormHTMLAttributes<HTMLFormElement> & {
  fields: Array<{label: string, value: string}>


- Please write in react+tsx. jsx: "react-jsx" so import is not necessary.
- Use tailwind for decoration. css import is not required.
- Code block attributes should be ```tsx+preview
- Do not output anything but code
- export previewProps that satisfy the type ``props

Example output

type FormProps = { name: string }
export default function Form(props: Props) {
  return <></>
export const previewProps = {}

Local Install

$ pnpm install
$ pnpm build
  • Open chrome://extensions
  • Load dist dir




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