Cloudflare Turnstile integration for React

React Turnstile

Cloudflare Turnstile integration for React.


  • ? smart verification with minimal user interaction
  • ?️‍♀️ privacy-focused approach
  • ? automatic script injection
  • ⚡️ ssr ready



  1. Follow these steps to obtain a free site key and secret key from Cloudflare.

  2. Install @marsidev/react-turnstile into your React application.

    # Whichever matches your package manager
    pnpm add @marsidev/react-turnstile
    npm install @marsidev/react-turnstile
    yarn add @marsidev/react-turnstile


The only required prop is the siteKey.

import { Turnstile } from '@marsidev/react-turnstile'

function Widget() {
  return <Turnstile siteKey='1x00000000000000000000AA' />


Prop Type Description Required
siteKey string Your sitekey key, get one from here.
options object Widget render options. More info about this options below.
scriptProps object You can customize the injected script tag with this prop. It allows you to add async, defer, nonce attributes to the script tag. You can also control whether the injected script will be added to the document body or head with appendTo attribute.
onSuccess function Callback that is invoked upon success of the challenge. The callback is passed a token that can be validated.
onExpire function Callback that is invoked when a challenge expires.
onError function Callback that is invoked when there is a network error.

Render options

Option Type Default Description
theme string 'auto' The widget theme. You can choose between light, dark or auto.
tabIndex number 0 The tabindex of Turnstile’s iframe for accessibility purposes.
action string undefined A customer value that can be used to differentiate widgets under the same sitekey in analytics and which is returned upon validation. This can only contain up to 32 alphanumeric characters including _ and -.
cData string undefined A customer payload that can be used to attach customer data to the challenge throughout its issuance and which is returned upon validation. This can only contain up to 255 alphanumeric characters including _ and -.

Read the docs to get more info about this options.

The widget is wrapped in a div, so you can pass any valid div prop such as className, id, or style.

Script options

Option Type Default Description
nonce string undefined Custom nonce for the injected script.
defer boolean true Define if set the injected script as defer.
async boolean true Define if set the injected script as async.
appendTo string 'head' Define if inject the script in the head or in the body.
id string 'cf-turnstile-script' Custom ID of the injected script.
onLoadCallbackName string 'onloadTurnstileCallback' Custom name of the onload callback.


Rendering the widget:

import { Turnstile } from '@marsidev/react-turnstile'

function Widget() {
  return <Turnstile siteKey='1x00000000000000000000AA' />

Rendering the widget with custom props:

import { Turnstile } from '@marsidev/react-turnstile'

function Widget() {
  return (
      className='fixed bottom-4 right-4'
        action: 'submit-form',
        theme: 'light'
        appendTo: 'body'

Managing widget rendering status:

import { useState } from 'react'
import { Turnstile } from '@marsidev/react-turnstile'

function Widget() {
  const [status, setStatus] = useState()

  return (
      onError={() => setStatus('error')}
      onExpire={() => setStatus('expired')}
      onSuccess={() => setStatus('solved')}

Getting the token after solving the challenge:

import { useState } from 'react'
import { Turnstile } from '@marsidev/react-turnstile'

function Widget() {
  const [token, setToken] = useState()

  return (
      onSuccess={(token) => setToken(token)}

Interacting with the widget:

import { useRef } from 'react'
import { Turnstile } from '@marsidev/react-turnstile'

function Widget() {
  const ref = useRef(null)

  return (
      <Turnstile ref={ref} siteKey='1x00000000000000000000AA'/>

      <button onClick={() => alert(ref.current?.getResponse())}>
        Get response

      <button onClick={() => ref.current?.reset()}>
        Reset widget

      <button onClick={() => ref.current?.remove()}>
        Remove widget

      <button onClick={() => ref.current?.render()}>
        Render widget

Interacting with the widget (using TypeScript):

import { useRef } from 'react'
import { Turnstile, type TurnstileInstance } from '@marsidev/react-turnstile'

function Widget() {
  const ref = useRef<TurnstileInstance>(null)

  return (
      <Turnstile ref={ref} siteKey='1x00000000000000000000AA'/>

      <button onClick={() => alert(ref.current?.getResponse())}>
        Get response

Validating a token:

// LoginForm.jsx
import { useRef, useState } from 'react'
import { Turnstile } from '@marsidev/react-turnstile'

export default function LoginForm() {
  const formRef = useRef(null)

  async function handleSubmit(event) {
    const formData = new FormData(formRef.current)
    const token = formData.get('cf-turnstile-response')

    const res = await fetch('/api/verify', {
      method: 'POST',
      body: JSON.stringify({ token }),
      headers: {
        'content-type': 'application/json'

    const data = await res.json()
    if (data.success) {
      // the token has been validated

  return (
    <form ref={formRef} onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
      <input type="text" placeholder="username"/>
      <input type="password" placeholder="password"/>
      <Turnstile siteKey='1x00000000000000000000AA'/>
      <button type='submit'>Login</button>

// `pages/api/verify.js`
// this is an example of a next.js api route
// this code runs on the server
const endpoint = ''
const secret = '1x0000000000000000000000000000000AA'

export default async function handler(request, response) {
  const body = `secret=${encodeURIComponent(secret)}&response=${encodeURIComponent(request.body.token)}`

  const res = await fetch(endpoint, {
    method: 'POST',
    headers: {
      'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'

  const data = await res.json()
  return response.json(data)

Check the demo and his source code to see a code similar to the above in action.

Check the docs for more info about server side validation.

As you might noted, there is three ways to get the token response from a solved challenge:

  • by catching it from the onSuccess callback.
  • by calling the .getResponse() method.
  • by reading the widget response input with name cf-turnstile-response.


Any contributions are greatly appreciated. If you have a suggestion that would make this project better, please fork the repo and create a Pull Request. You can also open an issue.

? Development

  • Fork or clone this repository.
  • Install dependencies with pnpm install.
  • You can use pnpm dev to stub the library, pnpm build to build the library or pnpm example:dev to start the demo page in development mode.


Inspired by


Published under the MIT License.


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