College Event Management System Using React And MongoDB


VSSUT Events – College Event Management System

Initiated with the incentive to provide a common rostrum to host all college events, College Event Management (CEM) System is basically a platform where people can host their events and promote them for the students within the institute. One has to just create his/her account in CEM, then login to host his/her event and manage it as per his/her requirements. The entire process will save lot of time along with providing a better reach to the participants.

This repository is concerned with the frontend part of the project. CEM frontend provides an adaptive user interface with navigating menus and sliders, along with eye-catching graphics that brings better versatility to the user.

For those interested in working on the backend part of the project, do checkout the backend repository.

? UI


Inspired by Townscript’s UI, we aim to have similar layout for the components. New UI section will be added but as a whole the basic schema would stay the same.

⚙ Tech Stack Used

Client Server Database
React Node mongoDB
MaterialUI Express

? Hosting

The project is hosted on firebase for now. You can check the live website here. In future it will be deployed using AWS once the basic layout gets ready.

? Installation & Set Up

Clone the project

  git clone

Go to the project directory

  cd CEM-frontend

Install dependencies

  npm install

Start the development server

  npm run dev

? Color Reference

Color Color Name Hex Code
Primary Color Maastricht Blue #0a192f
Secondary Color Cultured White #f8f8f8
Color 1 Persian Green #00b48a
Color 2 Caribbean Green #00d1a0

? How to Contribute

Contributions are always welcome!

See for ways to get started.

NOTE: Please adhere to this project’s code of conduct.

✨ Features

  • Create and Manage Event
  • Email Integration
  • Fully Responsive
  • calendar Scheduling
  • Display Events from various colleges

? Acknowledgements

The project has been inspired by various event management sites. Few of them are listed below

⚒ Support, Suggestion, Updates

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? License


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