Create a new project with Vite, React JS, TypeScript, Eslint, Prettier in just 1 second

Vite + React + TypeScript + Eslint + Prettier Template ⚡

Create a new project with Vite, React JS, TypeScript, Eslint, Prettier in just 1 second and you don’t need to setup anything.

Vercel Deploy:

Some Features ?

Alias Import

Hook Warning

Prettier Warning


Using ?

  1. Clone Template
git clone
  1. Install Packages
yarn install
  1. Start Project
yarn dev
  1. If you using git, delete the existing folder .git after cloning (open git bash or other terminal)
rm -rf .git

Options ✍️

  1. Check lint
yarn lint
  1. Fix lint
yarn lint:fix
  1. Check prettier
yarn prettier
  1. Fix prettier
yarn prettier:fix
  1. Fix lint and prettier
yarn format


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