Create a Task Tracker App using React


Check The Live Website ➡️ Live Website


Project aims to create a Task Tracker App.

Visualization of the Website

Project Skeleton

Task-Tracker (folder)
├── public
│     └── index.html
├── src
│    ├── components
│    │       ├── addTask
│    │       │      └── AddTask.jsx
│    │       ├── header
│    │       │      └── Header.jsx
│    │       ├── taskList
│    │       │      └── TaskList.jsx
│    ├── page
│    │    └── Home.jsx
│    ├── App.js
│    ├── App.css
│    ├── index.js
│    └── index.css
├── Animation.gif
├── package.json
└── yarn.lock

Used in this project

? I mastered ReactJS (useffect, axios, State, Props, react-icon), HTML, CSS, SCSS, Bootstrap and Javascript features in this project. You can see the visual representation of the website above.


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