Create daml app with react.js


See documentation for details.

Please ask for help on the Daml forum if you encounter any issue!

Development Quick Start

You need to have Node.js and Daml installed.

First, start the Daml components:

daml start

This will:

  • Build you Daml code once.
  • Generate JavaScript code (and TypeScript definitions) for your Daml types.
  • Start a Daml sandbox gRPC server (on 6865).
  • Start a Daml HTTP JSON API server (on 7575).
  • Watch for the r key press (r + Enter on Windows); when pressed, rebuild
    all of the Daml code, push the new DAR to the ledger, and rerun the JS/TS
    code generation.

Next, start the JS dev server:

cd ui
npm install
npm start

This starts a server on http://localhost:3000 which:

  • Builds all of your TypeScript (or JavaScript) code (including type
    definitions from the codegen).
  • Serves the result on :3000, redirecting /v1 to the JSON API server (on
    localhost:7575) so API calls are on the same origin as far as your browser
    is concerned.
  • Watch for changes in TS/JS code (including codegen), and immediately rebuild.

Deploying to Daml Hub

To build everything from scratch:

daml build
daml codegen js .daml/dist/create-daml-app-0.1.0.dar -o ui/daml.js
cd ui
npm install
npm run-script build
zip -r ../ build

Next you need to create a ledger on Daml Hub, upload the files
.daml/dist/create-daml-app-0.1.0.dar (created by the daml build command)
and (created by the zip command based on the result
of npm run-script build).

Once both files are uploaded, you need to tell Daml Hub to deploy them. A few
seconds later, your website should be up and running.

Auth0 Authentication

This template comes with out-of-the-box support for Auth0 authentication. You
can still test your app locally with no authentication, using the default
configuration. You can run just the UI server locally, against a deployed,
authenticated JSON API server running on a remote host, by starting the
development server with:

npm start


  • REACT_APP_AUTH explicitly activates the Auth0 login screen.
  • REACT_APP_AUTH0_DOMAIN is the domain corresponding to your Auth0 tenant.
    You can find it as the Domain field on the Settings tab of your Auth0
  • REACT_APP_AUTH0_CLIENT_ID is the Client ID of your Auth0 “single page
    applications” application.
  • REACT_APP_HTTP_JSON is the base URL of the JSON API, including scheme
    (always) and port (if different from default: 80 for http and 443 for https).

For this setup to work, you need a properly setup Auth0 tenant where
localhost:3000 is listed as a valid callback URL in the application settings.

To build your application with Auth0 enabled, run:

npm start


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