CSS Generator Tools Built with React and Framer Motion
Css Generator ?
Packages used in Project :
- React Router Dom
- Framer Motion
- react-color
- react-icons
- react-awesome-button
Tools ?
Background tools :
- Background-color
- Background-gradient
Box tools :
- Box-Shadow
- Border
- Border-Radius ( coming soon )
- Opacity
Text tools :
- Color
- Font-Size
- Text-decoration
- Other tools are coming Soon ?
Transform tools (Coming Soon ?) :
- TranslateX
- TranslateY
- ScaleX
- ScaleY
- SkewX
- SkewY
- Rotate
Filter tools :
- Blur
- Brightness
- Contrast
- GrayScale
- Hue-Rotate
- Invert
- Saturate
- Sepia
- drop-shadow
How to run project
Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/mohammadyousefvand/Css-Generator-React.git
Go to the project directory
cd Css-Generator-React
Install dependencies
npm install
Start the server
npm start