Didactic application of a restaurant search engine using reactjs

Didactic application of a restaurant search engine using reactjs, redux, consulting the google API. Credits for Advanced Bootcamp Challenge LocalizaLabs React Developer and Expert Professor Patrick Narciso of Digital Innovation One.
? Demonstration
? Technologies
This project was developed with the following technologies:
- JavaScript ES6
- ReactJS
- useEffect
- useState
- Redux
- Slick
- Lottie
- Skeleton
- GoogleCloud
⚙ Dependencies
- yarn add styled-components
- yarn add styled-reset
- yarn add @material/react-text-field
- yarn add @material/react-material-icon
- yarn add react-slick
- yarn add slick-carousel
- yarn add react-rating-stars-component
- yarn add google-maps-react
- yarn add redux react-redux
- yarn add react-lottie
⚙ Installation of the dependencies
- npm i
⚙ Start the Server
- yarn start
⚙ To Climb Cloud
- npm run build
- https://app.netlify.com/drop
Made with ? by Rafael Maciel