Discord Clone web application using Next.js, Socket.io and Tailwind CSS
Fullstack Discord Clone 🚀
The Discord Clone Project is an immersive full-stack web application designed for real-time communication and collaboration within online communities. Developed using cutting-edge technologies such as Next.js 14, React, Socket.io, Prisma, TailwindCSS, and MySQL, this clone provides a dynamic and responsive platform for users to engage seamlessly. From instant messaging with Socket.io to multimedia channels and 1:1 video calls, the Discord Clone delivers a comprehensive communication experience.
🌐 Key Features:
- Real-time messaging using Socket.io
- Send attachments as messages using UploadThing
- Delete & Edit messages in real time for all users
- Create Text, Audio and Video call Channels
- 1:1 conversation between members
- 1:1 video calls between members
- Member management (Kick, Role change Guest / Moderator)
- Unique invite link generation & full working invite system
- Infinite loading for messages in batches of 10 (tanstack/query)
- Server creation and customization
- Beautiful UI using TailwindCSS and ShadcnUI
- Fully responsivity and mobile UI
- Light / Dark mode
- Websocket fallback: Polling with alerts
- ORM using Prisma
- MySQL database using Railway
- Authentication with Clerk
Working Videos
bandicam.2023-12-27.23-07-01-591.mp4Live chat in channel
bandicam.2023-12-27.23-11-44-843.mp4Direct chat with user and video call
bandicam.2023-12-27.23-16-38-910.mp4search users, channels and infinite loading
bandicam.2023-12-27.23-26-08-845.mp4Deployed on Railway.app
Stay Connected:
Follow me on LinkedIn Prayansh Parmar for updates and announcements.
Happy Chatting! 📝✨