Drag and drop logos App using React

React drag and drop logos


This app allows users to drag and drop some languages and tools logos after login to the app, also the user can learn more about some programming languages by clicking the indicated buttons.


  • Drag and drop logos
  • Sign in through a couple of security parameters
  • Light and dark mode switch
  • Learn a little more about some programming languages


This project was created using:

  • Vite
  • React
  • Typescript
  • Chakra-ui
  • React-router-dom
  • Joi
  • Dnd-kit


To run this project, just clone this repository from Github and run it locally using the command npm run dev.

Clone the repository

   git clone git@github.com:luis-moguea/languages-dnd.git

Install dependencies

   npm install

Run the app

   npm run dev


View Github