Drawing nice looking pie/donut charts with d3js

React 3d pie/donut chart

This library is for drawing nice looking pie/donut charts with d3js.

How to install

npm install react-pie3d

How to use it

You can do that both ways:

import Pie3D from 'react-pie3d'



In file:

<Pie3D data={[10, 20, 30]}/>

Pie3D have to props:

  • data - (requierd) array of numbers or objects
  • config - object with chart config

data can be just simiple array of numbers [10, 20, 30] or array of objects:


var data = [
    value: 10,
    color: 'red',
    label: 'No'
    value: 20,
    color: 'green',
    label: 'Yes'
    value: 5,
    color: 'silver',
    label: 'Others'
  • value - number
  • color - string
  • label - string


config - Object

Parameter Default Decryption
ir 60 Number (min: 0, max: 100) Inner radius in %
h 40 Number (min: 0) Height of walls in px
angle 40 Number (min: 0, max: 90) Angle of chart in degrees, when 90 the chart become normal flat pie chart
size 100 Number (min: 0, max: 100) size in inner html tag in %
onSliceSelect null Function on slice click, d => {}

*d => {}

d = {
	value: ...,        //number
    startAngle: ...,   //number
    endAngle: ...,     //number
    index: ...,        //number
    color: ...,   	   //string
    label: ...		   //string


  • Labels overriding
  • Animations
  • Tooltips
  • More configurable
