Ephemeral Knowledge Archiving and Recall



  • Chase
  • Jackie
  • Rosendo
  • Samson
  • Chris


git clone https://github.com/granitify/granitify.git
cd granitify
npm install
touch secrets.json

In the secrets.json file:

	"MONGO_URI": "mongodb+srv://<yourusername>:<yourpassword>@<yourdatabaseaddress>/?retryWrites=true&w=majority"

In one terminal, start the back end: npm start

In another terminal, start the webpack-dev-server for the front end npm run dev

messageObject { ID: id#, INT
                 Text: '', STRING
                 User: "author", STRING
                 Date: timestamp, DATE
                 Attachments: undefined, ???
                 Score: reactions + pinned etc., INT
                 Embed: embed, ???
                 Subject: undefined(react, mongodb etc..), STRING
                 Category: undefined(tutorial, docs, lecture) STRING
                 Resource: {URL: [''] ,  IMAGE: ''   CODE: ''}

Message object spec

messageObject / resourceObject {
  // Takem directly from message
  id: INT (id of Discord message object) required, must be unique
  user: STRING (usernamne of sender of message) required
  date: INT (time in seconds elapsed since epoch) required
  text: STRING (full text of body of message), optional, defaults to empty string
  embeds: ARRAY (array of embedObjects), optional, defaults to empty array
  attachments: ARRAY (array of attachmentObjects), optional, defaults to an empty array

  // Determined by parsing of message
  score: INT (calculated score of resource), required, defaults to 0,
  resources: OBJECT (keyed object containing parsed out resources)
     linkUrls: ARRAY (array of strings representing hyperlinks found in message), defaults to empty array
     imageUrls: ARRAY (array of strings representing image URLs found in message), defaults to empty array
     codeSnippets: ARRAY (array of strings representing code snippets found in message), defaults to empty array

  // Determined by front end input
  subject: STRING (describes subject matter of resource, e.g. React or Data Structures), optional, defaults to empty string
  category: STRING (describes general category of resource, e.g. tutorial or documentation), optional, defaults to empty string

See ./sample-objects.json for an importable array of sample objects based on the spec. To use the sampleObjects in Node.js:

const sampleObjects = require('../sample-objects.json');

React Structure

<App // Does nothing
  < MainContainer // Contains filter/search state and functions, calls sub-components/containers
		subjects: [str...]
		categories: [str...]
		filterSubjects: [ str...]
		filterCategories: [ str...]
		currentSearch: str
		setSubjectFilters: func
		setCategoryFilters: func
		setSearch: func
		getCategories: func
		getSubjects: func

		<SearchMenu props -> currentSearch, setSearch

		<FilterMenu props -> subjects, categories, filterSubjects, filterCategores, setSubjectFilters, setCategoryFilters

		<ResourceContainer props -> filterSubjects, filterCategories, currentSearch
				resourceList: [ {resourceObj}...]
				filterResources: func
				searchResources: func

				A list of <ResourceDisplay > components, each being propdrilled one of the resources
					left after filtering and searching the resourceList

				resourcesToDisplay: [<ResourceDisplay>...] props-> One resource from ResourceList per ResourceDisplay

Page Mockup


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