Experimental test runner based on vite

Va vite!

vavite is a Vite plugin that provides SSR functionality that is environment, cloud, framework, and meta-framework agnostic. It achieves this by means of “environment adapters” that convert the request representation of their specific environment into an environment-agnostic representation, calls your request handler, and converts the environment-agnostic response representation returned from your handler into whatever the specific environment expects. It also provides escape hatches for direct handling of the environment-specific request or the response.

Adapters for Vite’s development server and Node.js are built in. @vavite/cloudflare-workers, @vavite/netlify, and @vavite/vercel packages provide adapters for Cloudflare Workers, Netlify Functions, and Vercel respectively.


Install as a dev dependency and add it to your Vite config like this:

import { defineConfig } from "vite";
import vavite from "vavite";

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [ vavite() ],

Now, when you run vite dev, it will look for a handler.js (or .ts, or any other extension specified resolve.extensions) in your project root. You can change the default with vavite({ handlerEntry: "my-handler.ts" }). The handler file is supposed to default export a request handler that receives an IncomingRequest and return an OutgoingResponse (or a promise of one).

When you build with vite build, it will first build a client bundle, then the server-side code. If you don’t use any adapters, the build will create a dist/server/index.js which is a Node.js server. You can use vavite({ serverEntry: "vavite/no-sirv" }) to omit bundling sirv which is used for serving static files (because your reverse proxy already does it, for instance). You can also use vavite/middleware to build a connect-style middleware instead of a full application.

If you’re using an adapter, the dev server works the same way while the build will create a bundle suitable for the target environment.

Accessing client build artifacts

Your server-side code can access the manifests from the client build by importing them via vavite/manifest and vavite/ssr-manifest. In dev mode, the SSR manifest will be an empty object while the client manifest will be a special proxy object that maps each file to itself.

You can also access the content of index.html (if it exists) in its processed form by importing vavite/html. In dev, it will return the unprocessed index.html: vavite will call transformIndexHtml for you if your response’s content type is text/html.

When authoring an adapter or a custom entry, user’s handler module is accessible via vavite/handler.

Request and response formats

The canonical request object passed to the handler function looks like this:

export interface IncomingRequest {
  /** Environment specific request representation as an escape hatch */
  raw: any;
  /** IP address of the end user */
  ip: string;
  /** URL of the current request */
  url: URL;
  /** HTTP method */
  method: string;
  /** Request headers */
  headers: Record<string, string | undefined>;
  /** Request body */
  body: RequestBody;

The RequestBody supports streaming reads where available and looks like this:

export interface RequestBody {
  /** Read all as a UTF-8 encoded string */
  text(): Promise<string>;
  /** Read all as a an array of bytes */
  binary(): Promise<Uint8Array>;
  /** A stream of bytes */
  stream(): AsyncGenerator<Uint8Array>;

The response object looks like this:

export interface OutgoingResponse {
  /** HTTP status code */
  status?: number;
  /** Response headers */
  headers?: Record<string, undefined | string | string[]>;
  /** Response body */
  body?: ResponseBody;

The response body also supports streaming where available and can be any of the following:

export type ResponseBody =
  // Empty body
  | undefined
  | null
  // UTF-8 encoded string
  | string
  // Array of bytes
  | Uint8Array
  // A stream of bytes
  | AsyncGenerator<Uint8Array>
  // A stream of UTF-8 encoded strings
  | AsyncGenerator<string>;

The response can also be in the form of { raw: ... }. If it is, it will be passed as a raw response to the environment adapter.

Your handler can also undefined or a promise that resolves to undefined to signal that it didn’t handle the request. If your using a middleware adapter, it will pass the request to the next middleware; otherwise a generic 404 response will be returned.

Raw request and response for built-in adapters

The built-in adapters pass { req: http.IncomingRequest, res: ServerResponse } in IncognitoRequest.raw. The raw response value will not be used but if you return { raw: any } as the response, vavite will assume that you already handled the response using request.raw.res.end().

Package exports

Entry Description
vavite Vite plugin and types
vavite/entry Entry point for Node HTTP server with sirv bundled
vavite/no-sirv Entry point for Node HTTP server without sirv
vavite/middleware Entry point for connect-like middleware (no sirv)
vavite/handler Resolves to the user’s handler entry
vavite/manifest Vite manifest
vavite/ssr-manifest Vite SSR manifest
vavite/html Contents of index.html

Adapter authoring check-list

You can use the testbed project in the repo. Run CI=1 TEST_HOST="<YOUR HOST>" pnpx vitest to run the end-to-end tests in the e2e.test.ts file.

  1. Make sure it doesn’t break the dev command when your adapter plugin is active by running pnpm dev and testing with CI=1 TEST_HOST="localhost:3000" pnpx vitest on a different terminal.
  2. Deploy to your adapter’s target environment and run the end-to-end tests again on the deployed URL.
  3. Manually check the pages / and /react that the button is purple and is incrementing the counter (TODO: Write an automatic test for this).
  4. If your target environment supports streaming responses, run curl -ND - '<YOUR HOST>/bin-stream?delay=50' and observe the typewriter effect.


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