General wind-rose chart component with react

Windrose Chart Component
General wind-rose chart component requested by @drwilkins.
- INPUT: Professionals respond to survey of how much they use a K-12 core competancy in each subject
- OUTPUT: Interdisciplinarity Badge (ideally with mouseover tooltips). Wind-rose type graphic, displaying survey response magnitudes for each subject area core competency
npm install @eunchurn/windrose-chart
yarn install @eunchurn/windrose-chart
React Component (defaultProps)
- Refer
data format
import Chart from "@eunchurn/windrose-chart";
export default function WindRoseChart() {
return (
<Chart />
- With
React Component (Props)
import Chart from "@eunchurn/windrose-chart"
export default function WindRoseChart() {
return (
Data Type
export interface DataType {
[key: string]: number | null;
export interface StackKey {
key: string;
export interface State {
width: number;
height: number;
export interface PropType extends State {
* Professionals respond to survey of how much they use a K-12 core competancy in each subject
data: DataType[];
* Subjects
columns: string[];
* Subjects colors
columnsColor: string[];
* All core competency
angles: string[];
* Max score
dataMax: number;
* Target data keys
dataKeys: string[];
* Mouse over Path color
mouseOverColor: string;
* Mouse over competency text color
mouseOverTitleColor: string;
* Mouseover survey score text color
mouseOverSurveyColor: string;
Default data
const data = [
subject: "Language Arts",
coreCompetency: "Reading/Verbal Comprehension",
survey: 1.2,
color: "#8e44ad",
subject: "Language Arts",
coreCompetency: "Writing",
survey: 2.3,
color: "#7e44ad",
subject: "Language Arts",
coreCompetency: "Textual Analysis",
survey: 2.4,
color: "#6e44ad",
subject: "Language Arts",
coreCompetency: "Literary Knowledge",
survey: 3.1,
color: "#5e44ad",
subject: "Language Arts",
coreCompetency: "Foreign Language",
survey: 1.7,
color: "#4e44ad",
subject: "Math",
coreCompetency: "Arithmetic/ Algebra",
survey: 4.2,
color: "#4e54ad",
subject: "Math",
coreCompetency: "Geometry/Trig/Spatial Orientation",
survey: 5.6,
color: "#4e64ad",
subject: "Math",
coreCompetency: "Probability/Statistics/Modeling",
survey: 1.6,
color: "#4e74ad",
subject: "Math",
coreCompetency: "Calculus/Other advanced math",
survey: 2.3,
color: "#4e84ad",
subject: "Math",
coreCompetency: "Graphical Literacy",
survey: 5.6,
color: "#4e94ad",
subject: "Science",
"Application of Scientific method or deductive reasoning",
survey: 5.8,
color: "#4e949d",
subject: "Science",
coreCompetency: "Experimental/Prototype design and revision",
survey: 5.2,
color: "#4e948d",
subject: "Science",
"Synthesis or inference based on multiple lines of evidence",
survey: 5.1,
color: "#4e947d",
subject: "Science",
"Disciplinary Knowledge (Physics, biology, chemistry, medicine, engineering, etc.)",
survey: 5.7,
color: "#4e946d",
subject: "Science",
coreCompetency: "Data management/visualization",
survey: 4.2,
color: "#4e945d",
subject: "Social Studies",
"Constructing questions, gathering and synthesizing sources of cultural, geographical, and historical knowledge",
survey: 1.3,
color: "#3e945d",
subject: "Social Studies",
coreCompetency: "Understanding of government, law, & politics",
survey: 4.9,
color: "#2e945d",
subject: "Social Studies",
"World history and geography: temporal and spatial views of the world, human-environmental interactions, (changing) spatial patterns and movement",
survey: 1.2,
color: "#1e945d",
subject: "Social Studies",
"Higher-level analysis: Evaluating sources of cultural and historical knowledge; developing claims from evidence",
survey: 2.3,
color: "#10945d",
subject: "Social Studies",
"Communicating and critiquing historical, political, economic, or cultural viewpoints",
survey: 1.1,
color: "#00945d",
subject: "21st Century Skills",
coreCompetency: "Collaboration",
survey: 5.6,
color: "#00845d",
subject: "21st Century Skills",
coreCompetency: "Communication",
survey: 5.1,
color: "#00745d",
subject: "21st Century Skills",
coreCompetency: "Creativity",
survey: 5.3,
color: "#00645d",
subject: "21st Century Skills",
coreCompetency: "Critical Thinking",
survey: 4.5,
color: "#00545d",
subject: "21st Century Skills",
"Tech Savvy (coding, touch-typing, troubleshooting abilities, software competency)",
survey: 5.9,
color: "#00445d",
subject: "Arts, Crafts & Labor",
coreCompetency: "Physical Effort",
survey: 1.9,
color: "#FFFF00",
subject: "Arts, Crafts & Labor",
coreCompetency: "Mental Effort",
survey: 5.8,
color: "#FFFF10",
subject: "Arts, Crafts & Labor",
coreCompetency: "Emotional Effort",
survey: 2.1,
color: "#FFFF20",
subject: "Arts, Crafts & Labor",
"Specialized art or craft knowledge (sketching, painting, carpentry, hair cutting, welding, etc)",
survey: 1.9,
color: "#FFFF30",
subject: "Arts, Crafts & Labor",
coreCompetency: "Appreciation of or critique of art/craft/design",
survey: 1.7,
color: "#FFFF40",
const angles = => d.coreCompetency);
const maxData = data.reduce((pre, cur) =>
pre.survey > cur.survey ? pre : cur
Default Props
export const DefaultProps = {
width: 800, // Chart Width (px)
height: 500, // Chart Height (px)
dataMax: maxData.survey, // Max data value (5)
data, // Data
columns: [
"Language Arts",
"Social Studies",
"21st Century Skills",
"Arts, Crafts & Labor",
], // Columns of group (array string)
columnsColor: [
angles, // All pie chart angles (array string)
dataKeys: ["survey"], // target keys of `data` / legnth = 1, no stack data in this time
mouseOverColor: "#1abc9c",
mouseOverTitleColor: "#e67e22",
mouseOverSurveyColor: "#e74c3c",
- Clone this repo
- install packages
npm i
npm run storybook