Weather APP built with React JS as requirement for the WIT selective process

React JS Weather APP

This project was built with React JS as requirement for the WIT selective process.

The app is avaliabe at


This app contains the following functionalities

Current weather

Inform the desired city and check for the real time weather at that location

Weather forecast

Just as the option above, the hour by hour forecast will be shown in a graph

Technologies used

As per description in the test requirements, the following technologies was used in the creation of the app


Main library and core of the app, used to built the SPA


Used to create modular components inside the app

Weather integration

The API consumed by this app is provided by OpenWeather free tier


The web app is hosted in the heroku platform free tier, and using CI tools connected with this github repository

Running application

The following commands can be executed to run the app locally

Install packages

Run the following command to install all the dependencies

npm install

Start local server

Running this command will start a local server

npm start

Build production artefact

Running this command will build a optimized app for deploy

npm run build


View Github