Helper functions for React Context API


react-ctx-toolkit is a simple, compact, uncomplicated package inspired by @reduxjs/toolkit that includes helper functions for better coding with Context API


With yarn

yarn add react-ctx-toolkit

With NPM

npm install react-ctx-toolkit

Getting Started

const increment = createAction<number | undefined>("INCREMENT")
const decrement = createAction<number | undefined>("DECREMENT")

type CounterState = {
    count: number

const initialState: CounterState = {
    count: 0,

const reducer = createReducer<CounterState>((builder) => {
        .addCase(increment, (state, action) => {
            state.count += action.payload || 1
            return state
        .addCase(decrement, (state, action) => {
            state.count -= action.payload || 1
            return state

const {
    Provider: CounterProvider,
    hooks: [useCounter, useCounterDispatch],
} = createContext({ displayName: "Counter", initialState }, reducer)

function App() {
    const { count } = useCounter()
    const dispatch = useCounterDispatch()

    const handleIncrement = () => {

    const handleDecrement = () => {

    return (
            <button onClick={handleIncrement}>Increment</button>
            count: {count}
            <button onClick={handleDecrement}>Decrement</button>

function Root() {
    return (
            <App />


A helper function for defining an action.

const increment = createAction<number | undefined>("INCREMENT")
increment() // { type: "INCREMENT" }
increment(2) // { type: "INCREMENT", payload: 2 }

/* ----------------- */

const addUser = createAction("ADD_USER", (name: string, age: number) => ({
    payload: { name, age },
addUser("bob", "32")
// { type: "ADD_USER", payload: { name: "bob", age: "32" } }

/* ----------------- */

type User = {
    name: string
    age: number

const addUser = createAction<User>("ADD_USER")
addUser({ name: "bob", age: "32" })
// { type: "ADD_USER", payload: { name: "bob", age: "32" } }


A helper function for creating a reducer.

const increment = createAction<number | undefined>("INCREMENT")
const decrement = createAction<number | undefined>("DECREMENT")

type StateType = {
    count: number

const reducer = createReducer<StateType>((builder) => {
        .addCase(increment, (state, action) => {
            state.count += action.payload || 1
            return state
        .addCase(decrement, (state, action) => {
            state.count -= action.payload || 1
            return state


It is a helper function for creating context, provider, and hooks.

const {
    Provider: CounterProvider,
    contexts: [CounterContext, CounterDispatchContext],
    hooks: [useCounter, useCounterDispatch],
} = createContext({ displayName: "Counter", initialState }, reducer)


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