High performance subscription-based form state management for React
React Final Form
In the interest of making checkered_flag React Final Form the best library it can be, we'd love your thoughts and feedback.
✅ Zero dependencies
✅ Only peer dependencies: React and
? Final Form
✅ Opt-in subscriptions - only update on the state you need!
✅ ? 2.9k gzipped ?
npm install --save react-final-form final-form
yarn add react-final-form final-form
Getting Started
? React Final Form is a thin React wrapper for ? Final Form, which is a
subscriptions-based form state management library that uses the
Observer pattern, so only the
components that need updating are re-rendered as the form's state changes. By
default, ? React Final Form subscribes to all changes, but if you want to
fine tune your form to optimized blazing-fast perfection, you may specify only
the form state that you care about for rendering your gorgeous UI.
You can think of it a little like GraphQL's feature of only fetching the data
your component needs to render, and nothing else.
Here's what it looks like in your code:
import { Form, Field } from 'react-final-form'
const MyForm = () => (
render={({ handleSubmit, pristine, invalid }) => (
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
<h2>Simple Default Input</h2>
<label>First Name</label>
<Field name="firstName" component="input" placeholder="First Name" />
<h2>An Arbitrary Reusable Input Component</h2>
<Field name="interests" component={InterestPicker} />
<h2>Render Function</h2>
render={({ input, meta }) => (
<textarea {...input} />
{meta.touched && meta.error && <span>{meta.error}</span>}
<h2>Render Function as Children</h2>
<Field name="phone">
{({ input, meta }) => (
<input type="text" {...input} placeholder="Phone" />
{meta.touched && meta.error && <span>{meta.error}</span>}
<button type="submit" disabled={pristine || invalid}>