Higher-order components and components for React when using router5


Higher-order components and components for React when using router5.

Demos and examples


Install module `react-router5:

yarn add react-router5
# or
npm install --save react-router5

Higher-order components

  • RouterProvider: adds your router instance in context.
const AppWithRouter = (
    <RouterProvider router={router}>
        <App />
  • withRoute(BaseComponent): HoC injecting your router instance (from context) and the current route to the wrapped component. Any route change will trigger a re-render
  • routeNode(nodeName)(BaseComponent): like above, expect it only re-renders when the given route node is the transition node. When using routeNode components, make sure to key the ones which can render the same components but with different route params.
import React from 'react'
import { routeNode } from 'react-router5'
import { UserView, UserList, NotFound } from './components'

function Users(props) {
    const { previousRoute, route } = props

    switch (route.name) {
        case 'users.list':
            return <UserList />
        case 'users.view':
            return <UserView />
            return <NotFound />

export default routeNode('users')(Users)

Link components

  • Link: a component to render hyperlinks. For a full list of supported props, check the source! Link is withRoute and Link composed together
  • BaseLink: same as Link, except it won't re-render on a route change.
import React from 'react'
import { Link } from 'react-router5'

function Menu(props) {
    return (
            <Link routeName="home">Home</Link>

            <Link routeName="about">About</Link>

export default Menu

New React context API

For using the new React context API, you need React version 16.3 or above.

Three new components have been published to leverage React's new context API. Those components won't replace existing ones: instead react-router5 will keep offering higher-order components and components accepting render functions.

  • RouteProvider
  • Route
  • RouteNode

Both Route and RouteNode pass to their chilren an object containing route, previousRoute and router.

const App = (
    <RouteProvider router={router}>
        <RouteNode nodeName="">
            {({ route, previousRoute, router }) => <div>Route</div>}
