horizontal slide transitions between components


Not another carousel; a simpler component that animates horizontal slide transitions between steps of a wizard or levels of a drilldown.


npm install --save react-view-slider
import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import ViewSlider from 'react-view-slider'

// This function renders the view at the given index.
// At minimum you should pass the key, ref, style, and className props to the returned element.
const renderView = ({index, key, ref, style, className, active, transitionState}) => (
  <div key={key} ref={ref} style={style} className={className}>
    <h3>View {index}</h3>
    <p>I am {active ? 'active' : 'inactive'}</p>
    <p>transitionState: {transitionState}</p>

// activeView specifies which view should currently be showing.  Whenever you change it, ViewSlider will make the
// view at the new activeView horizontally slide into view.



renderView: (props: ViewProps) => React.Element<any> (required)

This function renders each view. ViewSlider will call it with the following props:

  • index: number - the index of the view (starting at 0)
  • key: number - the key you should pass to the returned element
  • ref: (c: HTMLElement) => any - the ref you should pass to the returned element
  • style: Object - the style you should pass to the returned element
  • active: boolean - whether the view should currently be showing
  • transitionState: 'in' | 'out' | 'entering' | 'leaving' - the view's transition state

At minimum you should pass the key, ref, style, and className props to the returned element.

numViews: number (required)

The number of views present. ViewSlider will only render all views when transitioning; when idle, it will
only render the active view.

activeView: number (required)

The index of the view that should be showing. Whenever you change this, ViewSlider will animate a horizontal slide
transition to the view at the new index.

keepViewsMounted: boolean (default: false)

If true, ViewSlider will keep all views mounted after transitioning, not just the active view.
You may want to use this if there is a noticeable lag while other views mount at the beginning of a transition.
However, it disables height animation and will cause the height of ViewSlider to be the max of all views' heights,
so you will get best results if you also use fillParent={true}.

animateHeight: boolean (default: true)

If truthy, ViewSlider will animate its height to match the height of the view at activeView.

transitionDuration: number (default: 500)

The duration of the transition between views.

transitionTimingFunction: string (default: 'ease')

The timing function for the transition between views.

prefixer: Prefixer

If given, overrides the inline-style-prefixer used to autoprefix inline styles.

fillParent: boolean (default: false)

If truthy, ViewSlider will use absolute positioning on itself and its views to fill its parent element.

className: string

Any extra class names to add to the root element.

style: Object

Extra inline styles to add to the root element.

viewportClassName: string

Any extra class names to add to the inner "viewport" element.

viewportStyle: Object

Extra inline styles to add to the inner "viewport" element.

rootRef: (node: ?HTMLDivElement) => any

The ref to pass to the root <div> element rendered by ViewSlider.

viewportRef: (node: ?HTMLDivElement) => any

The ref to pass to the viewport <div> element rendered inside the root <div> by ViewSlider.


import ViewSlider from 'react-view-slider/lib/withTransitionContext'

This works exactly like ViewSlider except that it renders its views within a TransitionContext component from
react-transition-context with the given transitionState. This is useful for doing things like focusing an <input>
element after one of the views has transitioned in.


This is a wrapper for ViewSlider that takes a single child element. It renders the ViewSlider with the child's key
(converted to a number) as the activeView and caches past child elements by key.


import SimpleViewSlider from 'react-view-slider/lib/simple'

    <div key={0}>
      This is view 0

// Rendering a child with a different key will trigger the transition.
    <div key={1}>
      This is view 1

If you want to use SimpleViewSlider with react-transition-context,
use react-view-slider/lib/simpleWithTransitionContext.
