It has never been so easy to document your things

Docz was built around a lot of programming concepts, techniques, tools, and with performance in mind to deliver a explicit project architecture. So, since we are thinking big and we can build something that will be really usefull for you, we are also thinking that you can learn and improve even more your process to write your documentation and create tools that can help other people too.
? Features
- ? Zero config and easy. Don't worry about complex configurations steps.
- ⚡️ Blazing Fast. Full hot reload support with webpack 4 and automatic code splitting.
- ? Easy to customize. Create and use real customizable themes.
- ? MDX Based. Write markdown with all power of components.
- ? Pluggable. With plugins, you can manipulate a lot of things through the docz flow and data.
- ? Typescript Support. We have a full support for your type definitions.
? Warning!
Due to performance issues docz uses Babel@7 and Webpack@4. So, if you're using some older version of this packages you'll probably get some errors! If you need to use Babel@6 you can try docz-plugin-babel6, but about Webpack@4 we can't do anything!
? Why?
The open source world with tools that make developers life easier and the creation of styleguides and design systems are growing and evolving so fast. New and impressive things are arising every day. Tools that allow us to evolve together are really necessary nowadays. We can't create barriers or lose time with tasks that should be trivial for us.
To break barriers and facilitate the creation of tools was the purpose that Docz arose. Document our things is one of the most important and painful process that exist when you're creating something new. We lose a lot of our precious time with unnecessary setups to be able to build something that can represent and express what we want with our own style.
? Install and Usage
Simplicity is one of our core principles. So, getting started with docz is something really easy and quick. First of all, you need to install docz on your project using some package manager
$ yarn add docz --dev
Then create some .mdx
anywhere inside your project:
name: Button
import { Playground, PropsTable } from 'docz'
import Button from './'
# Button
<PropsTable of={Button} />
## Basic usage
<Button>Click me</Button>
<Button kind="secondary">Click me</Button>
Now just run your dev server:
$ yarn docz dev