Koala Sticky Note App With React And Redux

Tired of working on soulless corporate projects? Come spark passion in kids minds with us at Koala, the remote learning platform half way between Roblox and Zoom…
- Add a sticky note anywhere on the screen.
- Drag and drop a sticky note to a new location.
- Delete a sticky note.
- Set the text contained in a sticky note (either at creation or after).
- Clear the canvas of all sticky notes.
- Color: Add ability to change the color of a sticky note
- Images: Add ability to upload images to the canvas.
- React JS
- Redux
Requirements and Installation
To install and run this project you would need to have installed:
- Node Js
- Git
- Clone the project and run with the commands below
To run frontend:
$ git clone https://github.com/jiokeokwuosa/koala-sticky-note-app.git
$ npm install
$ npm start
Okwuosa Chijioke (Okwuosachijioke@gmail.com)
This is licensed for your use, modification and distribution under the MIT license.