LinkShelf: Shelf all their important links at one place and also share them


Saving the video links on favorite list or keeping track of watch later is time consuming, sometime mess you up. This can be a draining experience. With the capability of LinkShelf app, you can save the video links on a featured lists of various topics. You can access your videos and watch at your comfort saved on your account. Most of the ones who can guide beginners are busy hustling, they barely have time to do so. There has to be some product that enables them to be helpful and productive at the same time.

What it does

It enables you to save your links in folder like collections which is synced on all your devices. Additionally, the app enables productivity of both you and the one who is getting help by your publicly available curated collection at ont place. Cutting your timely job is sometimes messy to prepare your list, finding everything at one place is smart and productive. With linkshelf, they can store the links to resources that they saved while learning the tech stack which would help build themselves personal brand and save time.

How we built it

I worked to build my hackathon project, “LinkShelf”, built out frontend with React framework and backend with Express and NodeJS using MERN stack overall on top of OKE Kubernetes cluster and Mongo DB cluster which Oracle cloud provides. The job became easier as soon as Mongo DB standalone provisioned for my app smoothly and tightly. Finally, I was able to deploy the app to OKE cluster leveraging cloud shell and code editor.

Challenges we ran into

One of the challenges faced during the development of the app was building a backend that could be deployed using Mongo DB. Finding a built-in components for the app was difficult though. How to configure our cluster for our Networking service How to setup DB API for MongoDB How to setup deployments manifest Overall I managed to find the ideas and build something that every one would find easy to navigate.

Accomplishments that we’re proud of

I am proud of how I started the hackathon with an idea and was able to see the majority of what I wanted to achieve come to amusing. I set out to create a platform that would make it easier for users to track and save video’s links, and after some findings I was able to do just that! Overall, we are proud to be making a positive change for a good social cause.

What we learned

I had the opportunity to learn new technologies and tools, gain experiences expanded my technical skills and gave me the chance to work with mern stack and autonomous DB from oracle

What’s next for LinkShelf Management App

While I planned to implement the messaging feature using chatAPI, I was not able to do in terms of automating the chat bot for new users. However, I will try to identify and in the future, I plan to implement those missing features and enhance the UI to make it run smoother. I also want to make the website more responsive towards any screen size to ensure every user can access it from any device.


Set Environment Variables Edit the .env and add your MongoDB database URI and your JWT secret

Install backend dependencies

cd backend npm install

Install client dependencies

cd frontend npm install

Run app in development (frontend & backend)

npm run dev


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