MERN Tutorial For Beginners

MERN Basics

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It comprises of MongoDB, Express, React and Node. Of which React is used for front-end development And MongoDB, Express, Node for back-end development

Getting Started

Follow these steps while starting the project

1. Create two Folders

Server (This contains all the back-end part)

Client (This contains all the front-end part)
2. Getting MongoDB Connection
Open Connect and click on - Connect your Application

Copy and Add your connection string into your application code


1. npm init -y
    this creates package.json file
2. npm install express mongoose cors nodemon
    this installs these packages
3. Create index.js file, this will contain all connection information

4. Create user.js in models folder this will create or fetch user

5. User thunderclient a visual studio extension for verifying connection right from visual studio

1. npx create-react-app .
    Just like regular react project use this to create default react files



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