Metronome and Recorder App using React and Ionic

Metronome & Recorder App

A cross-platform mobile app using React and Ionic was made for musicians to help record their music and even help with their timing.


  • Cross-platform support for Android and Web
  • Metronome with customizable BPM and sound
  • Recorder that can record audio and save the file to the device
  • Files tab to play previously recorded files
  • Support for both dark and light modes


How to Run the App:

  • Go to the command line and change directory into the root
  • Install node modules if you don’t already have it
  • Run ‘ionic build’ and install Vite when it prompts you
  • Run ‘ionic cap sync’
  • Then you’re ready for either:

Web Version:

  • Run ‘ionic serve’

Android Version:

  • Install Android Studio
  • Run ‘npx cap open android’ in the root
  • This will open the android studio project, either plug in your physical phone or set up a virtual one
  • Press the green run button once its ready, and it will install!


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