MinChat: An open source UI toolkit for developing web chat applications


Build your own chat UI with React components in a few minutes. Chat UI Kit from minchat.io is an open source UI toolkit for developing web chat applications.

React Chat UI makes chat UI development faster


Component Library

Using npm.

npm install @minchat/react-chat-ui

Using yarn.

yarn add @minchat/react-chat-ui
import { MainContainer } from "@minchat/react-chat-ui";

        <div style={{ height: '100vh' }}> <MainContainer
                onScrollToBottom: () => { },
                themeColor: "#6ea9d7",
                conversations: [{
                    id: "1",
                    title: "Epic gamers",
                    avatar: "https://images.pexels.com/photos/1704488/pexels-photo-1704488.jpeg?cs=srgb&dl=pexels-suliman-sallehi-1704488.jpg&fm=jpg"
                    , lastMessage: {
                        seen: false,
                        text: "Hello everbody"
                        user: {
                            id: "martha_stewart",
                            name: "Daniel",
                            avatar: "https://media.sproutsocial.com/uploads/2022/06/profile-picture.jpeg"
                }, {
                    id: "2",

                    title: "Devops",
                    lastMessage: {
                        seen: true,
                        text: "How do you enable an actuator on a servo motor of a hardware and design laboratory experiment in the city,an actuator on a servo motor of a hardware and design laboratory experiment in the city",

                        user: {
                            avatar: "https://fsdfsdfsdfs",
                            id: "daniel",
                            name: "Daniel",
                loading: false,
                onConversationClick: () => console.log("onChat click"),
                selectedConversationId: "1"
                    themeColor: "#6ea9d7",
                    messages: [[
                            "user": {
                                "id": "danny_1",
                                "name": "Daniel Georgetown",
                                avatar: "https://media.sproutsocial.com/uploads/2022/06/profile-picture.jpeg"

                            "text": "first message"
                            "user": {
                                "id": "mark",
                                "name": "Markus"
                            "text": "hello"
                        header: "Sandra Bullock",
            currentUserId: "danny_1",
                onSendMessage: () => console.log("onSendMessage"),
                onBack: () => { }



This library is written in Typescript, by extension can be used in Javascript projects as well.

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Now if you made your awesome chat UI and you love this library, please ⭐ this repository!

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Unleash the power of seamless chat functionality with MinChat's React Chat API! Say goodbye to backend worries and hello to effortless integration. Get started today and save months of development time. Build a full-fledged React chat application in just minutes, not months!
