Notetap - Notion like editor built on top of tiptap

Notion like editor built on top of Tiptap.
Discord – sereneinserenade#4869
A ⭐️ to the repo if you ? / ❤️ what I’m doing would be much appreciated. If you’re using this extension and making money from it, it’d be very kind of you to ❤️ Sponsor me. If you’re looking for a dev to work you on your project’s Rich Text Editor with or as a frontend developer, DM me on Discord/Twitter/LinkedIn???.
I’ve made a bunch of extensions for Tiptap 2, some of them are Resiable Images And Videos, Search and Replace, LanguageTool integration with tiptap. You can check it our here
Note: This is React version. Vue3 version will be coming ?
Visit for a live demo.
Video coming ?
❤️ Sponsor me to make it possible for me to work on . You can also show your ❤️ by ⭐️ing this repository. Your support means a lot.
Clone the repo, do something, make a PR. You know what’s the drill. Looking forward to your PRs, you amazing devs.