Pluggable enterprise-level react application framework


Pluggable enterprise-level react application framework.


  • package Out of box,built-in react、react-router, etc
  • football Next.js like and full featured routing conventions, also support configured routing
  • tada Complete plugin system, covering every lifecycle from source code to production
  • rocket High performance, support PWA, route level code splitting, etc via plugin
  • barber Support static export, adapt to various environments, such as console app, mobile app, egg, Alipay wallet, etc
  • bullettrain_side Fast dev startup, support enable dll and hard-source-webpack-plugin with config
  • tropical_fish Compatible IE9, based on umi-plugin-polyfills
  • maple_leaf Support TypeScript, including d.ts definition and umi test
  • palm_tree Deep integration with dva, support duck directory, automatic loading of model, code splitting, etc

Getting Started

# Install deps
$ yarn global add umi # 或者 npm install -g umi

# Create application
$ mkdir myapp && cd myapp

# Create page
$ umi generate page index

# Start dev server
$ umi dev

# Build and deploy
$ umi build
