Pokédex built with React JS, PokéAPI and webpack


Pokédex built with React and PokéAPI, infinite scrolling of pokemon cards implemented using Intersection Observer API.

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Project Summary


Steps to run Pokédex in your local environment.

  1. Clone the repository

    git clone https://github.com/shanpriyan/pokedex.git
  2. Go to the project directory

    cd pokedex
  3. Install the NPM packages

    npm i
  4. Start the development server

    npm start
  5. Development server will start at localhost:8080


This project is configured with ESLint for linting in .eslintrc.json.


This project uses Prettier for formatting. You can use npm run prettify script to format all files in the project.


This project uses webpack for bundling. You can use npm run build script to generate a production build and npm run build:dev script to generate a development build. Build will output to dist folder.


This project is configured with new runtime JSX transform. React doesn’t need to be in scope while using JSX.


Live Demo – https://pokedex-e6661.web.app


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