React component to add traffic sign in leaflet map

React Leaflet Traffic Sign

React component to add traffic sign in leaflet.

Getting Started

import { ReactLeafletTrafficSign } from "ReactLeafletTrafficSign";

   position={ route[0] } 
   title="Speed Traffic Sign"
      fuel: 5.5,
      speed: 100,
      odometer: 10000,
      dateTime: new Date("2024-02-01T05:48:000Z")
      location: [ -23.45678, 54.3210 ]
   height={ 24 } 
   width={ 24 }/>


import { MapContainer, TileLayer } from "react-leaflet";
import { ReactLeafletTrafficSign } from "ReactLeafletTrafficSign";

const Example = function() {

   const route = [ [0,0], [1,1], [2,2] ];

      <MapContainer center={ [0,0] } zoom={ 0 }>

         <TileLayer url=""/>

         <Polyline positions={ route } pathOptions={{ color: "#000000", weight: 5 }}/>
            position={ route[0] } 
            title="Alert Traffic Sign"
               fuel: 8.2,
               speed: 80,
               odometer: 50000,
               dateTime: new Date("2024-05-02T14:48:500Z")
               location: [ -23.45678, 54.3210 ]
            height={ 24 } 
            width={ 24 }/> 



export default Example;



name type description
position LatLngExpression Marker position in the map
image string Marker URL or Source Image
title string Title of the Marker
datas Object Datas to description Marker basead key and value
height number Marker height size
width number Marker width size
anchorHeight? number Optional* Marker anchor in height
anchorWidth? number Optional* Marker anchor in width
offsetHeight? number Optional* The offset size marker in height
offsetWidth? number Optional* The offset size marker in width

Examples Props

// Leaflet Latitude and Longitude Expression
const position = [ -12.3456, 87.6543 ] as L.LatLngExpression;

// datas: { [ key: string ]: string }
const datas = {
   address: "Havelchaussee, 14193 Berlin, Germany",
   position: "52.488192, 13.203841",
   timestamp: "2023-11-08",


MIT License.


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