React components of open-source Orbit design system


Orbit-components is a React component library which provides developers with the easiest possible way of building’s products.

Orbit Mission

Orbit aims to bring order and consistency to all of our products and processes. We elevate user experience and increase the speed and efficiency of how we design and build products.


orbit-components are served as an npm package.

Add them to your project by running:

// with npm
npm install @kiwicom/orbit-components

// with yarn
yarn add @kiwicom/orbit-components

Don't forget to install the styled-components ^4.0.0 also.


  1. Import fonts that are used in orbit-components:

Or via CSS:

@import url(",400i,500,500i,700");
  1. Include any of our components in your project and use it:
import Alert from "@kiwicom/orbit-components/lib/Alert";

<Alert>Hello World!</Alert>;

If you want to use custom theme or dictionary inside your project, it's necessary to wrap your app into <ThemeProvider>. See this document for more information.

For live preview check out Storybook or

You can also try orbit-components live on CodeSandbox.


Orbit comes with both Flow and Typescript definitions files, so you can choose what fits your project. However, if you work with Typescript, you need to add type for styled-components.

// with npm
npm install @types/styled-components --save-dev

// with yarn
yarn add @types/styled-components -D
